Learn what is GM diet and whether it is suitable for losing weight. We discuss efficacy, implications and pros and cons of the GM diet.

Learn what is GM diet and whether it is suitable for losing weight. We discuss efficacy, implications and pros and cons of the GM diet.
Sunlight is not just a good source of vitamin D, it also has mood-lifting qualities. In fact sunlight is good for your general mental health.
Learn your calorie consumption as you push / propel your wheelchair. Burning calories is important to lose weight and stay in shape.
Do you feel uncomfortable among people? It may just be shyness or may even be social anxiety disorder. Learn the causes, symptoms and treatment.
A few easy to follow tips for losing weight in a healthy way. Maintaining ideal weight is very important for keeping yourself in shape.
A few tips on how persons with disabilities can lead a healthy life. Despite disability it is possible to live life to the fullest.
Get list of awareness ribbons representing various types of cancers, e.g. brain, lung, thyroid, cervical, testicular cancers.
Learn the meaning of the pink awareness ribbon which represents the breast cancer. We discuss the creator, history and importance of this ribbon.
Learn what is sleep apnea. Loud snoring is but not sure sign of this sleep disorder. Learn the related symptoms, risk factors and complications.
Emotional health is as important as physical health. These tips will help you in taking care of your emotional and mental well-being.
Scoliosis is the spine deformity in dorsal plane. Learn the meaning, types, causes and treatment of scoliosis. We will also examine scoliosis as a potential disability.
Get the list of happy hormones and learn how to boost these hormones in your body to remove stress, uplift your mood and feel better!
Can mental illness be hereditary in nature? Some of the mental disorders pose high chances of running in family. In addition social and environmental factors are weigh in.
Want to know how stressed are you? Learn how to measure your stress level with Perceived Stress Scale. Your score indicates low, high or moderate level of stress.
Learn the differences between mental health and emotional health. We explain if these two are same and if they are connected with each other.
Learn the benefits of teaching yoga to children with special needs. Yoga helps in concentration, muscle coordination, and reducing stress etc.
Learn the wheelchair exercises and chair yoga poses for disabled people, elderly or people with sedentary lifestyle.
Madhu Bagri shares tips on how wheelchair users can make lifestyle changes and achieve the goal of long term good health.
A few useful tips for wheelchair users for maintaining healthy body weight. It’s important to lose excess weight to avoid various ailments.
Learn the tips for teaching yoga to children with special needs. You would need to understand their individual strengths and make learning yoga fun!
Learn what is yoga and adaptive yoga. We discuss the meaning, origin and benefits of these practices and how adaptive yoga can help the persons with disabilities.