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Free FASTag for Physically Challenged Persons for Toll Exemption

free fastag for handicapped people for exemption at toll plaza
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | January 21, 2021 (Last update: February 8, 2021)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

If you searched for information on ‘how to get free FASTag for a physically challenged person’ or if you are reading this article, chances are you already know what is a FASTag! But, for the sake of presenting holistic information let us start with a brief introduction of FASTag, and then we will delve into the details about the FASTag rules for physically challenged person.

What is FASTag?

FASTag is a Radio Frequency Identification Technology that has been introduced by the Government of India to make it easier and faster for commuters to pass toll plazas without any hassle. The FASTag card is to be affixed to the upper-middle portion of a car’s front windshield. FASTag enabled toll plazas are equipped with a radio-frequency reader that scans the affixed FASTag card even while the vehicle is in motion and automatically deducts the toll fee from the digital wallet or saving account linked to the FASTag.

Is FASTag Free for Physically Challenged Person?

Many people believe that FASTag is free for persons with disabilities. And, this isn’t true. You should know that a FASTag is issued for a vehicle, not a person. So, if you are a person with a physical disability who is driving a normal vehicle, you are not eligible for an exemption.

The FASTag exemption is for vehicles registered under the ‘Invalid Carriage’ or ‘Retrofitted’ category in the RC book. Vehicles registered under these categories fall under the exempted category of mechanical vehicles as per the NH fee rule 2008 and the subsequent amendments to the rule.

So, the first step for you to get FASTag exemption is to get your vehicle registered under the ‘Invalid Carriage’ or ‘Retrofitted’ category, if it isn’t already. You can do this by submitting a letter of request to your RTO (Regional Transport Office).

free fastag for handicapped people for exemption at toll plaza

Documents required for exempted category FASTag

In order to apply for a zero transaction or exempted category of FASTag, you need the following documents.

  1. Duly filled and signed Application Form
  2. RC of the Vehicle
  3. ID proof (Aadhar Card, PAN card, Driving License, Passport, Voter ID, Government ID, etc.)
  4. Proof of exemption

How to apply for free FASTag for an invalid carriage or a retrofitted vehicle

Step 1: Register yourself at the web portal of Indian Highways Management Company Limited. You will need to fill in your name, email address, mobile number and name of the city in which you live. Upon successful registration, you’ll receive your User ID and Password at your email address.

Step 2: Log in to the web portal using the User ID and Password you received.

Step 3: Download the application form for the exempted category FASTag from the dashboard. Fill the form.

Step 4: Click on ‘Upload Form’ and follow the instructions.

  • Select your exempted category from the list (Mechanical vehicles specially designed and constructed for use of a person suffering from physical disability)
  • Select the NHAI Regional Office to which you have to submit the application.
  • Again enter the applicant’s name, mobile number and email address.
  • Enter the registration number of the vehicle for which you need the exempted category FASTag.
  • Upload the scanned copy of the documents asked for (as listed above)

Step 5: Re-check that you’ve filled every detail correctly and then submit the form. On successful completion, you’ll receive an auto-generated email along with your Application Case ID.

Post Application Process

Once you have applied for the zero transaction FASTag on the IHMCL website, you can check your application status. In case you receive any ‘observation’ you’ll need to submit the asked document or clarification to further the process of FASTag generation. If your application is approved you’ll get the information of approval and issuance of your FASTag.

You will have to physically receive the FASTag sticker from the respective Regional Office (RO) of NHAI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I am facing a problem in applying or receiving an exempted FASTag?

Ans. If you come across any problem even after following the above-mentioned procedures you can get help from the support team for the exempted FASTag category, by writing to them at

Q. What is the validity for an exempted FASTag?

Ans. The validity for exempted category FASTag for government vehicles is five years and for private vehicles, the validity is one year after which it needs to be renewed as per eligibility rules.

Q. Is there any fee associated with the issuance of exempted FASTag?

Ans. No. You don’t have to pay at any stage for the issuance of an exempted FASTag. It is Free FASTag!

Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"Free FASTag for Physically Challenged Persons for Toll Exemption." Web. February 13, 2025. <>, "Free FASTag for Physically Challenged Persons for Toll Exemption." Accessed February 13, 2025.

"Free FASTag for Physically Challenged Persons for Toll Exemption." (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from


27 responses to “Free FASTag for Physically Challenged Persons for Toll Exemption”

  1. Rajkumar Arya says:

    How many days does the reply come after submitting the application?

    • M C SIVAKUMAR says:


      As of 09.01.2021, the above rules are modified so that all physically challenged persons who owns a car in their name for personal use (White board) can get a zero transaction fastag. It has to be applied in the website ‘’. The rules say that if the ownership category is registered as ‘Divyangjan’ (Physically Challenged) in the RC of vehicle, even if the vehicle is not retrofitted or registered as invalid carriage, they can apply for zero fastag. That means all the Physically challenged who owns car can apply for zero fastag. A special category has been inserted in form 20 of vehicle registration from 22.10.2020 to insert the ownership category for new vehicles, but unfortunately for existing disabled persons who already owns a car, I don’t know how to insert the ownership category into the existing RC.

      I, being a physically challenged having a car from 2015 without any modifications, approached my nearest RTO Office (Chennai). The RTO said that only the new vehicles can be registered with the ownership category. The category of ownership cannot be inserted in existing RC.

      I am trying further for more clarifications about this. If someone knows how to insert the category in existing RC, please comment here.

      • Birender singh says:

        Thanks for good update

      • Shantanu Bandyopadhyay says:

        Sir I am also struggling with the same problem. Many emails correspondence with MVI, AND MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT, AND NHA1 HAS been done but results is NIL. PLEASE can I get your contact no so that I can communicate with you directly?

  2. Yashi says:

    Which document needs to be submitted under Proof of Exemption for the disabled person.

  3. Naresh says:

    Hello Sivakumar,

    Thanks for putting the clear details on it. However, where to find that the new rules are implemented in the website “”. I am also from Chennai and planning to purchase a vehicle under GST exemption.

  4. GAUTAM says:

    Respected Sir
    I m 80% disabled with right leg above knee amputee. I am using automatic car not modified. Plz tell me kya main elegible hu free fastage ke lea.

  5. prashanth says:

    You are eligible for free FASTTag only if you have a valid DL and your vehicle is registered as Invalid Carriage

  6. S.N.T says:

    If a disabled person can do all the formalities to get free FASTag facilities then I think government have more disability than the person who have genuine disability Certificate.



    • Jagdev Singh says:

      Phisical or mentally disable person is not able to drive a car but need to go for treatment by road in that condition, the Vehicle carrying Disable person should be exempted from toll.

  8. Joshua says:

    Hi, My application number is pending for so long. I tried to contact customer care numbers but they are not valid. Can you please check and let me know the status and why it is taking so long to deliver.

  9. Santosh says:

    How to renew a fast tag used by a physically challenged person? It’s expired now.How long the process will take?

  10. Satinder Singh Rana says:

    Sir, I am a hearing impaired person, I have my own car. I can drive it. Can I get my free FAStag?

  11. Khushi Ram says:

    Sir me 💯 % hearing handicapped hun or me hearing machine use karta hun me 15 years se driving kar raha hun kya mujhe free fast tag mil sakta hai

  12. R Ganesh Srinivasan says:

    Phisical or mentally disable person is not able to drive a car and noting but need to go for treatment or some other place by road in that condition, the Vehicle carrying Disable person be exempted from tollgate fee ?

  13. N Venkata Rao says:

    sir I had purchased new car under personnel ( white board ) one moth bcak due to un known above rule i had not entered owner ” Diviangya” now it is possible adding and getting of free fast tag while i had a hearing handicaped and hold vailuded licence of invalied carriage

  14. R Ganesan says:

    Sir,My son about 10 years old. He is a ‘CEREBRAL PALSY’ child. I am having Normal car and used to visit various places for his treatment. Can it be possible to get TOLL Tax exemption.
    Please give me your valuable suggestion with necessary procedures.
    R. Ganesan

  15. Anonymous says:

    Do we have to wait for original RC to apply or can we apply with virtual RC from mparivahan app?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Also what is document named Proof of exemption where do we get it?

  17. Purushottam says:

    I am visually handicapped person and I have a driver for my car. How can I get a free fastag card?

  18. jais says:

    sir I have apply apply for exampled fastage one mothe ago but application status is show same from one mothe , any way to accelerate the process of gettin fastag

  19. Manoj Kumar says:

    My car is registered under ownership of divyang category. But it is not mentioned on rc.I have uploaded all relevant documents in favour of ownership e.g form 20, disability certificate etc I have applied free fast tag 4 times but everytime it was rejected by RO with different reasons. I have mailed to about my problem. But there is no response to their side. Kindly suggest me contact number of ro Delhi so that I can contact personally. Number shown on website is not in use.

  20. Ankur says:

    Already applied and waiting for long time. How to expediate?

  21. Satish kumar says:

    How to Change Regional Office (RO) in a submitted application

  22. Vijay Jadhav says:

    On the RC book it’s necessary to mention Divangjan or Adepted vehicle is enough for free fast tag.

  23. Saurabh Sharma says:

    I am also facing the same problem nhai ro jaipur said that your vehicle information not shown registered as a handicapped persons or modified. They said that in the rc must have to written adapted Vehicle, in vehicle class not body type. In my rc “invalid” are written in body type.
    They rejected again and again, my DTO Beawar also make a certificate for retofitment suitable for driving. But still they are rejecting. Any body please help me.

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