Converting regular text into Braille code is of prime importance in producing Braille documents for persons with visual impairment. Braille code is a tactile system of reading text. Braille code is composed of dot patterns embossed on a surface. We can touch the surface and feel the Braille patterns. A Braille reader would be able to decipher the code and understand the encoded text.
I have developed a set of Braille Translation utilities for Indian languages. You can use these utilities to convert Indian scripts into Braille code based on the Bharati Braille standard. This software produces Braille code in Unicode font — which means that the code can be copied and opened on any computer.
Of course, the Braille code printed on computer screen is of limited use. It needs to be embossed or “printed” on Braille paper by a machine called Braille embosser. To help in this step, I also provide the Braille code in image and mirror image format. Mirror image of Braille code is useful in embossing the code on a paper.
Which Indian Languages can be Braille Translated?
With this software, at present, the following Indian languages can be converted into Braille:
- Hindi
- Marathi
- Nepali
- Punjabi (Gurmukhi)
- Gujarati
- Bangla
- Malayalam
- Kannada
- Odia
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Sanskrit
I request the users of these tools to provide their feedback so that I can improve these tools even further.
WeCapable is my effort to make the important utilities and information available to persons with disabilities. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!
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"Braille Translation Software for Indian Languages." Web. March 28, 2025. <>, "Braille Translation Software for Indian Languages." Accessed March 28, 2025.
"Braille Translation Software for Indian Languages." (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
very useful much needed in India. I would like to try it so please kindly inform how we can get it.
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