Details of various models of disability; like religious, medical, social, affirmative, charity, identity, minority, cultural and economic etc.

Details of various models of disability; like religious, medical, social, affirmative, charity, identity, minority, cultural and economic etc.
Some of the top quotes on mental health issues said by authors and philosophers. These quotes help raising awareness and removing stigma.
These are some of the top problems faced by Children with Visual Impairment as such blindness, low vision and other vision related issues.
Learn how to make accessible videos. Here is the checklist of points that you must ensure to make your videos accessible for persons with disabilities.
Learn the use, types and application process for getting the Handicap Parking Permit. These permits come in colors like blue, red, green and yellow.
Learn the meaning and about the designer of the International Symbol of Access, also known as the wheelchair symbol.
Pets may prove to be very useful in more than one way for children with disabilities, especially children with sensory, social or behavioral issues.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) has 50 articles in total. Here is the full text of all the UNCRPD articles.
Learn the full form and meaning of disability related abbreviations / acronyms like PwD, PwBD, OA, BA, OL, BL, LD, MD, ADA, RPWD etc.
Learn what you should do and not do when around a service animals (such as guide dogs). These etiquette will help the dog in doing its job.
How to select a service dog, it’s a very important decision! Learn the most important selection criteria for a service dog breed and be an informed selector!
Find out the differences between SSI and SSDI on the basis of benefits, payment, eligibility, beneficiaries, rules and application process.
Learn what is Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We explain the eligibility, benefits, rules and application process for getting disability benefits.
Learn how to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). We explain the eligibility criteria and documents required for the process.
Learn what is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. We explain how Social Security Credits, Recent Work and Duration of Work Tests are calculated.
Learn about disability definition and social status in Chile. We also discuss the disability laws and employment for persons with disabilities in Chile.
Learn about disability definition and social status in Belgium. We also discuss the disability laws and employment for persons with disabilities.
Learn about the definition and social status of disability in Ecuador. We also discuss laws and employment opportunities for disabled persons in Ecuador.
Learn about disability definition and social status in Costa Rica. We also discuss the disability laws and employment for persons with disabilities.
Learn about the disability situation in Colombia. We also discuss the definition, laws, employment and social status of persons with disabilities in Colombia.
In this article, we discuss how disability is defined in Hong Kong and also the laws, employment and social status of people with disabilities.