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Finding Love as a Disabled Person: A Mission to Inspire Others

Photograph of Ritesh-Jawade
Ritesh Jawade
Ritesh Jawade | April 30, 2023 (Last update: July 2, 2023)

Ritesh Jawade, a Cerebral Palsy survivor, is sharing his views on how Indian society discriminates against persons with disabilities and how it is difficult for them to find romantic love.

As a physically challenged person suffering from mixed cerebral palsy, I know firsthand how it feels to be overlooked by the society. My brain was slightly damaged at birth, causing cerebral palsy and leaving me fully dependent on my family. I cannot speak properly, but I refuse to let my disability limit me. I use my toe to operate a computer, phone, and other devices, and my feet function similar to the other people’s hands.

I never had the chance to go to school because normal schools and colleges in India do not admit disabled people who are completely dependent on others. However, I’m grateful that science and technology help me improve my life. I got most of my knowledge from Google search, YouTube videos, and Hollywood movies and television series. Watching Hollywood Hindi-dubbed movies and web series with English subtitles has helped me improve my English. I enjoy learning about space, and I frequently watch informative and generally knowledgeable atheism facts videos on YouTube.

Sadly, in my country, India, disabled people like me are often disregarded when it comes to basic life needs, like finding a life partner. Society’s perception of disability often stigmatizes disabled individuals. It prevents them from being seen as capable of leading fulfilling lives, including finding a life partner.

As someone who has never had the opportunity to attend school, my greatest dream is to find someone who will love and accept me as I am. However, in my experience, disabled people’s search for a life partner is often met with insurmountable obstacles. People with disabilities are often seen as undesirable or even a burden. It is as if the fact that we have physical limitations means that we are not worthy of love.

This is not only unfair, but also it is simply untrue. Disabled people have the same emotions and desires as anyone else. We want to love and be loved, just like everyone else. And yet, society often treats us as if we are somehow different, as if we don’t deserve the same happiness and fulfillment as the able-bodied individuals.

In my opinion, it’s time for the society to change its perception of disability. We need to start seeing people with disabilities as capable and worthy of love, just like everyone else. The search for a life partner should not be limited by one’s physical limitations. Rather, it should be based on mutual respect, love, and understanding.

I hope that my story will inspire others to rethink their views on disability and to see disabled people in a new light. We may have physical limitations, but that doesn’t mean that we are any less deserving of love and happiness.

My name is Ritesh Jawade, and I am here to tell you that disabled people’s search for a life partner is just as important as anyone else’s.

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"Finding Love as a Disabled Person: A Mission to Inspire Others." Web. March 24, 2025. <>, "Finding Love as a Disabled Person: A Mission to Inspire Others." Accessed March 24, 2025.

"Finding Love as a Disabled Person: A Mission to Inspire Others." (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from


3 responses to “Finding Love as a Disabled Person: A Mission to Inspire Others”

  1. Himanshu Singh says:

    Dear Ritesh,
    Good job…👏👏
    Society is full with narrow mindset people

  2. Nupur says:

    Your story is very impressive.

  3. Madhuram says:

    How beautifully you articulated

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