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Meaning of Invalid Carriage or Adapted Vehicle

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Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | February 8, 2021 (Last update: February 8, 2021)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

The term “Invalid Carriage” is used in India and some other commonwealth countries to refer to a vehicle especially modified for the persons with disability. According to the sub-section (18) of section 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 “invalid carriage” means a motor vehicle specially designed and constructed, and not merely, adapted, for the use of a person suffering from some physical defect or disability, and used solely by or for such a person.

A vehicle is marked as “invalid carriage” by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) in the Registration Certificate (RC) book of the vehicle. Before that you need to get your car, scooter, motorcycle or other vehicle modified to make is disability friendly. The modifications should be done by a genuine vendor. Non-compliant modifications may be rejected by the RTO.

It is important to note that the new The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016 has replaced the term “invalid carriage” with “adapted vehicle”. So, don’t be confused — invalid carriage and adapted vehicle mean the same and both refers to the vehicles modified for use the persons with disabilities. Invalid carriage is an old English term and sounds derogatory in the modern era. In contrast, “adapted vehicle” is in line with the normalization of  disability.

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"Meaning of Invalid Carriage or Adapted Vehicle." Web. March 12, 2025. <>, "Meaning of Invalid Carriage or Adapted Vehicle." Accessed March 12, 2025.

"Meaning of Invalid Carriage or Adapted Vehicle." (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from


7 responses to “Meaning of Invalid Carriage or Adapted Vehicle”

  1. Rama Kant Verma says:

    Nicely explained

  2. Dr Joseph V.D. Devassia says:

    Thank you for the lessons. Invalid sounds negative but adapted is acceptable and valid, so adapted is better to use.

  3. Rabinder Sahni says:

    Please, clarify registration validity status, those adapted vehicles mentioned (as long as it is NOT sold) in the RC book, since they are TAX EXEMPTED.

  4. Vilas Chandrakant Rajapkar says:

    As per revise guidelines disabled person can purchase car with self drive or not. He can get exemption. The revise guidelines indicates car to be registered as ADAPTIVE VEHICLE. My question is RTO where it is to be registered, allow my car to be registered as ADAPTIVE VEHICLE if it is without modification? (Got GST concession)


      Which vehicles are eligible for this like commercial vehicle

    • Narinder Singh says:

      Sir , am a specially-abled person with 80% disability(upper limbs) my left arm amputated from above elbow. But, I drive my normal car which is not modified very comfortably with out any problem in spite of this I have got the invalid carriages licenses from rto jammu in 1998. Suggest me is any problem for me in future for same.

  5. Bharath Raja Guru says:

    I also have same problem. My right leg is polio affected but my left leg is normal. I driveautogear vehicle without any problem. But still RTO gives LICENSE AS ADPVEH. Worst part is I will have to modify the vehicle just to get the license though regular autogear is very comfortable for me. Now I want to change my car, though I pay regular road tax and buy a car, I cannot drive. I should make it adptive vehicle…we really have to represent this issue to Nitin Gadkariji

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