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Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India

red blood cells in a blood vessel
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | May 24, 2019 (Last update: August 9, 2021)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Blood, as you know, is the life fluid. Its flow in our circulatory system makes our life possible. 45% of the blood is made up of the Red Blood Cells (RBC) and 55% is plasma. The most widely used blood categorization system is called the ABO system. It is based on the antigens (proteins) found on the surface of RBCs.

  • If antigen A is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be A
  • If antigen B is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be B
  • In case both these antigens are present, blood type will be AB
  • If none of these is antigens is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be O

These four blood groups are found in two versions — positive and negative.

Yesterday we published an article about the world’s rarest blood type. A reader asked us a related question on what are the most commonly found blood groups in the Indian population? Today we will discuss the same.

red blood cells in a blood vessel

Because blood type is a trait that is genetically determined — blood types tend to show prevalence in a geographic area.

Most Common Blood Group in India

Here is the average blood type distribution in the Indian population:

  • O+ = 32.53%
  • O- = 2.03%
  • A+ = 21.8%
  • A- = 1.36%
  • B+ = 32.09%
  • B- = 2.01%
  • AB+ = 7.70%
  • AB- = 0.48%

Therefore we see that the most common blood group in India is O positive. The second most prevalent blood group in India is B positive. AB negative is the rarest blood group in India.

Do let us know if you have any questions or comments on this subject. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!

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"Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India." Web. March 7, 2025. <>, "Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India." Accessed March 7, 2025.

"Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India." (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from


8 responses to “Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India”

  1. Rajat says:

    Thanks for your effort

  2. Shounak Katyayan says:

    Very helpful information and something to think about.

  3. Azmat ali says:

    I am rare person in india whose have AB-ve blood group..

  4. Rahul meena says:

    I also have ab. Negative

  5. Sohini Mandal says:

    I have AB+ blood group

  6. Channappa says:

    Whether blood group denotes any skill based information, genes etc.? Very helpful information. With regards

  7. Johnnie Mwon says:

    same pinch

  8. Ande Rukmandhararao says:

    I Have also AB Negative blood group

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