Narayan Seva Sansthan in Udaipur, Rajasthan has done a tremendous job in the rehabilitation of poor persons with disabilities in India. This charitable organization was setup by Shri Kailash ji Agarwal on 23 October 1985. Since then it has been involved in polio treatment (especially polio corrective surgery). These surgeries are conducted by qualified doctors free of cost in a number of hospitals.
In addition to polio corrective surgeries, Narayan Seva Sansthan also provides free aids and appliances for the disabled people. These aids include prosthetic, leg braces (calipers), wheelchairs, tricycles and crutches etc.
Narayan Seva Sansthan also organizes mass weddings for persons with disabilities.
FAQ About Narayan Seva Sansthan
Contact Phone Number of Narayan Seva Sansthan, Udaipur
WhatsApp Number of Narayan Seva Sansthan
096494 99999
Address of Narayan Seva Sansthan, Udaipur
Seva Dham,
Narayan Seva Sansthan Road
Hiran Magri Seva Nagar,
Udaipur, Rajasthan – 313001
Cost of Polio Treatment at Narayan Seva Sansthan
Treatment is completely free of cost. Patient does not need to pay for treatment, accommodation, food, aids or appliances.
What Treatment Do They Do?
As you know, polio is incurable. But polio corrective surgeries can help in correcting skeletal deformities. Such deformities include tilted hip (pelvic) bone, drop foot, bone shortening etc.
Can Length of Leg Be Increased?
In polio often one of the limbs gets shorter than the other. Using Ilizarov fixator, length of a limb can be increased. It is a bone lengthening technique that uses natural bone growth to increase the limb length.
How Many Surgeries Will Be Done?
It depends on your condition and doctors’ assessment. Usually people need 1-6 polio corrective surgeries.
Where Can I Get Information on Narayan Seva Sansthan in Hindi?
The following video gives you all the information in Hindi language.
Branches of Narayan Seva Sansthan
If you can not go to Udaipur, you can contact the nearest Narayan Seva Sansthan branch. The organization has around 480 branches in India and 49 branches abroad.
Should you have any other question regarding this great organization, please feel free to ask us in comment. We will try our best to assist you. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!
Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography
"Narayan Seva Sansthan, Udaipur: A Savior of Disabled People." Web. March 28, 2025. <>, "Narayan Seva Sansthan, Udaipur: A Savior of Disabled People." Accessed March 28, 2025.
"Narayan Seva Sansthan, Udaipur: A Savior of Disabled People." (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
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This is really great article. Thanks for sharing. We are also working in this sector as NGO in Udiapur.