The designs and features of wheelchairs have been constantly evolving throughout the history of wheelchairs. Now the TTK Center for Rehabilitation Research and Device Development, IIT Madras, a premium engineering institution, has developed a novel wheelchair that enables the user to independently rise to a standing position. Such a standing wheelchair can substantially enhance the independence of a wheelchair user. Chennai-based Phoenix Medical Systems is manufacturing this wheelchair. In last few months, videos of this standing wheelchair have been widely circulating on social media. Many of my wheelchair user friends are very excited to see the ease with which this device rises to make the user stand.
This standing wheelchair has been aptly named Arise. It is available from the factory of Phoenix Medical Systems in Chennai and their distributors. Let’s take a look at the wheelchair’s demonstration:
Price of Standing Wheelchair
The advertised price of the Arise standing wheelchair is Rs. 15,000 (approx. $250). Transportation charges may also incur. This wheelchair can be easily transported in auto-rickshaws, buses, trains etc.
As you can see, this amazing, very affordable and easy to use wheelchair can solve many problems faced by the wheelchair users. Still, I think you will have a lot of other questions about this wheelchair. The following detailed video from IIT Madras will answer the following questions for you:
ALSO SEE: Things that wheelchair users should keep handy
- What are the features and benefits of Arise standing wheelchair?
- Who is Arise standing wheelchair suitable for?
- What is the assessment procedure to be followed to determine suitability of Arise standing wheelchair?
- How is the fit of the Arise standing wheelchair determined?
- How can the Arise standing wheelchair be customized for the user?
- What are the safety features of the Arise standing wheelchair?
- How do you check that the Arise standing wheelchair has been properly fitted to the user?
This wheelchair is suitable for those under 55 years of age. The ideal body weight of the user should be 40 to 110 kg (88 lb to 242 lb). User’s height should be between 147 and 177 cms (4’10” and 5’10”). It has been declared that persons with weak leg/thigh bones may not be able to use standing wheelchair without modification or treatment. Persons with amputation in one or both legs may also need customization in the device.
Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography
"Standing Wheelchair in India: Price of IIT Madras Wheelchair." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "Standing Wheelchair in India: Price of IIT Madras Wheelchair." Accessed March 26, 2025.
"Standing Wheelchair in India: Price of IIT Madras Wheelchair." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Hi…I am very much interested in buy this standing wheelchair for one of my family members, who lives outside India. Is it possible to ship it? How can I book one?
Sir I need this wheelchair for my son. Please send contact number.
Sir I want to standing wheel chair my aunty.
Hi i have a question how much is the cost to shi one wheelchair like this to Los Ángeles California U.S.A. ? Please let me know thanks.
I need this wheelchair for my father..
I need standing wheelchair please contact number
I want to get this standing wheelchair for my Mother.
I need Wheelchair for my father
Sir, I am looking for the standing wheelchair for my brother. Could you please help us as to how we need to contact orelse book this wheelchair. Requite your assistance and guidance.
I want to buy standing wheelchair for my wife, how to buy where i contact
Hi sir, I want this standing wheelchair for my mom. Please send mobile number.
Hi sir, I need this type of wheelchair for me. What’s the price and how can I buy it?
Hi… I want to buy this standing wheel chair for my brother who has T10 complete spinal cord injury.
Please send me contact no …. we are from chandigarh
Thank you
Hi Sir, I need to buy this chair for my uncle who is paralyzed. Kindly let me know how and where can i buy this wheelchair?
I need ur contact number to get in touch with you regarding the wheel chair
Hi, I’m from Trinidad and Tobago and would like to know what’s the cost to purchase one of these wheelchairs and have it shipped to me please.
Required standing wheelchair
I need this wheelchair for my brother please call me.
I need it for myself, kindly share contact number
I want to order one for my brother
Where can I get service for arise wheelchair . It’s very new. But not working. Please send me contact number of service provider
I want to buy this wheelchair for my son can. You provide me with buying details of this chair
Please provide contact details to buy this wheelchair for myself🙏
Please provide me to procure Arise wheelchair for my mother (88) she was operated for TKR (left knee) in 2013, at present she is walking with the help of walker but due to weakness she is facing shoulder pain too much so we tried on wheelchair movement but unable to standup from wheelchair is not comfortable for her, so this Arise wheelchair will be convenient. So please send me bank details for transfer of amount .
Vijay Anadkat
Morbi Gujarat
Hi Sir,
I need to buy this standing chair for my son who is suffering from cerebral palsy. Kindly let me know how and where can i buy this wheelchair?
I want to buy this standing wheelchair for myself. I am a multiple sclerosis patient.
Please let me know whether it may help me.
And if I will not manage it can I return it?
I want to buy this standing wheelchair for myself. I am a 89% disability patient.
Please let me know whether it may help me.
Hello sir, I m very much interested to have this one for myself.
Please send me the quotes price details and how to place order.
Thank you.