World Asthma Day is organized worldwide by Global Initiative for Asthma, a collaborative organization of the World Health Organization (WHO). The month of May is considered Asthma Awareness Month and the first Tuesday of the month of May is observed as the World Asthma Day. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was founded in 1993 and the inaugural World Asthma Day was organized in 1998.
Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
Founded in 1993, Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) is an organization that works globally to reduce asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality. The organization works on reviewing scientific publications related to Asthma and disseminates information about all aspects of the condition, including care of patients with asthma.
The organization keeps updating information about asthma based on the latest scientific research and studies. It creates an annual theme for World Asthma Day and focuses more on spreading awareness in the month of May. But, the works for the betterment of life of asthmatic people continue all year.
Importance of World Asthma Day
Global estimates tell that over 300 million people get affected with asthma every year. Moreover, according to the 2018 Global Asthma Report, more than 1000 people succumb to asthma daily. Not only the severe symptoms but deaths too can be prevented by spreading awareness about Asthma. So, observance of World Asthma Day is very important for saving asthma deaths.
It is crucial to make people aware of the risk of Asthma, its early detection, treatment and management.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a condition that affects a person’s airways. The airways swell and become narrow leading to excess production of mucus that causes difficulty in breathing. The breathing difficulties may lead to coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. For some asthma can be a minor nuisance while for others it may cause life-threatening attacks. It is one of the major non-communicable diseases around the world.
It is a condition for which there is no cure available. However, the symptoms can be managed with appropriate treatment and life management. The affected person can lead a normal life. This is the reason asthma awareness is very important.
Common Misconceptions about Asthma
The theme for World Asthma Day 2021 is ‘Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions’. So, let us see some of the most common misconceptions about Asthma.
Misconception: Asthma is a childhood disease. A person grows out of Asthma when she attains adulthood.
Fact: Asthma can occur at any stage of life – infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age. A person may learn ways to manage their condition while growing up but asthma cannot be cured.
Misconception: You should stay from an asthmatic person as Asthma is infectious.
Fact: No, asthma is not infectious. However, a person with asthma is more likely to catch viral respiratory infections.
Misconception: Asthmatic people should refrain from exercise and heavy physical activities.
Fact: When Asthma is not managed well, physical exercise may aggravate the symptoms. If asthma is well controlled, an asthmatic person can not only exercise but can also participate in sports. In fact, physical activities are as important for an asthmatic person as for those with no such condition.
World Asthma Day Themes
- 2021: Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions
- 2020: Enough Asthma Deaths
- 2019: STOP for Asthma – Symptom evaluation, Test response, Observe and assess, Proceed to adjust treatment
- 2018: Better Air Better Breathing
- 2017: Allergy and Asthma
- 2016: You Can Control Your Asthma
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"World Asthma Day: Theme, Objectives, History, Importance." Web. March 4, 2025. <>, "World Asthma Day: Theme, Objectives, History, Importance." Accessed March 4, 2025.
"World Asthma Day: Theme, Objectives, History, Importance." (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
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