The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe, a German not-for-profit brain tumor association, initiated the observance of World Brain Tumor Day in the year 2000 to pay tribute to brain tumor patients and their families. Since then every year 08 June is celebrated as World Brain Tumor Day all around the globe. The observance is aimed at spreading awareness about the condition, educating people about the consequences as well as helping those with a brain tumor.
We are sharing this article to spread general awareness about brain tumors among our readers on this World Brain Tumor Day.
What is a Brain Tumor?
Brain tumor develops when brain cells start multiplying abnormally. The abnormal growth can significantly affect the function of the brain and body. These abnormal cell growths are broadly of two types – benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous). Most brain tumors are non-cancerous and generally do not regrow if removed once. However, they can create trouble by putting pressure on the surrounding brain tissues. On the other hand, less than one-third of brain tumors are cancerous and can prove fatal if the right treatment is not provided at the right time. This type of tumor affect by directly invading the brain tissues.
Further, depending on their origin brain tumors are of two types – Primary and Secondary. Primary are those brain tumors that originate in some portion of the brain. These are mostly benign i.e. non-cancerous. Secondary brain tumors are metastatic i.e. they originate in some other parts of the body like lungs or breasts and spread in the brain. These are mostly malignant or cancerous.
Risk Factors for Brain Tumors
There’s no way to find out the exact cause of brain tumors in any particular person. But, certain factors are said to increase the risk of brain tumors. The major risk factors of brain tumors are –
- Exposure to Ionizing radiations (high doses of X-ray or other such radiation therapies)
- Family history of brain tumor
- Prolonged exposure to hazardous chemicals
Early Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor
Signs and symptoms of brain tumor vary depending on factors like type, size and location of the tumor. However, certain symptoms may indicate the development of a tumor and that the person needs to consult a doctor for early diagnosis. Most of the cases of brain tumors can be treated or can be well managed if they are diagnosed early and given proper medical treatment. So, here are some signs and symptoms that you must not ignore.
- Seizures – one of the most common symptoms of a malignant brain tumor is seizures.
- Headaches – You need not worry about a brain tumor every time you get a headache. But if the frequency and severity of your headache are increasing gradually or you notice a pattern change, it’s advisable to visit a doctor. Morning headaches are generally associated with a brain tumor.
- Nausea and Vomiting – A jet lag can make you feel nauseous. Overeating may induce a feeling of vomiting. But, if someone feels nauseous without any apparent reason then it may indicate a brain tumor.
- Disruption in normal body function – Every function of the body is guided and controlled by the brain. Hence a disturbance in the brain can disturb the function of the body. Depending on the exact location of the tumor different body functions may be disturbed. Some of the common examples of disturbed body function include – gradual loss of vision, blurred or double vision, loss of body balance, loss of sensation in a particular body part, hearing problem etc.
- Unexplained confusion – We all get confused when we have to make a complicated decision and choose something from the given options. But, if someone starts getting confused in normal daily life things without any apparent reason or explanation then it might be an indicator of a brain tumor.
As explained above, the key to fighting brain tumors is their early detection and proper treatment. So, never ignore any bodily symptoms as it is the way of our body to indicate to us that something is disrupting the inner system of the body.
Important Tip: According to a WHO report, radiation from mobile phones can increase the risk of brain tumors. It is advisable to limit the use of a mobile phone. Moreover, we should use a hands-free headset for talking over a mobile phone.
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"World Brain Tumor Day: Risk Factors and Symptoms of Brain Tumor." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "World Brain Tumor Day: Risk Factors and Symptoms of Brain Tumor." Accessed March 26, 2025.
"World Brain Tumor Day: Risk Factors and Symptoms of Brain Tumor." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
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