World Sauntering Day, also known as International Sauntering Day, is celebrated on 19 June. Sauntering is a verb that means walking in a slow and relaxed manner. Observance of World Sauntering Day is aimed at reminding people to stop running the rat race of life and relax a bit. We, at WeCapable, felt the need to spread awareness about this day because slowing down in life has a great benefit on our mental health. In fact, several mental health issues like stress can be linked directly to the fast-paced modern lifestyle.
History of World Sauntering Day
World Sauntering Day began its journey in 1979 as an unofficial fun holiday. The idea was propounded by W.T. Rabe, a publicist, in response to the growing popularity of jogging. The idea behind observing a sauntering day was to encourage people to slow down and appreciate the world around them.
The event is believed to have started at Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan, USA. The hotel had the longest porch in the world. The idea of the event was to get people to walk slowly and appreciate the beauty surrounding the porch. Mr. Rabe believed that jogging takes away all the joy of movement. He saw sauntering as an art of free movement from one place to another. Gradually, people started following Mr. Rabe and the tradition of celebrating sauntering day spread to different parts of the world.
Famous Quotes about Sauntering
Several notable naturalist writers have written about the importance and pleasure of slowing down and observing nature. One of the most common examples is the poetry ‘Leisure’ by ‘William Henry Davis’. Let us see some other famous quotes about sauntering taken from the works of great people.
I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits unless I spend four hours a day at least – and it is commonly more than that – sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements. ~ Henry David Thoreau
But the beauty is in the walking – we are betrayed by destinations. ~ Gwyn Thomas
The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk. ~ Jacqueline Schiff
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country. A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast. ~ Paul Scott Mowrer
Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. ~ Steven Wright
Hiking – I don’t like either the word or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains – not hike! ~ John Muir
Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. ~ Eddie Cantor
Benefits of Slowing Down
Slowing down or living your life without rushing has tremendous benefits. It is particularly good for our mental health. Here we are listing some of the benefits of slowing down in your life.
1. Better Sleep and Immunity – When you are always not in a hurry mode, you naturally get a better sleep that in turn boosts your immunity.
2. Lowered Levels of Stress – The fast-paced modern lifestyle is one of the biggest reasons for stress. So, when you slow down you automatically lower your stress level.
3. Improved Personal Relationships – When you keep yourself away from the rat race you start appreciating more valuable things like quality time with family and friends. Slowing down helps you build deeper social connections.
4. Mental Clarity – Slowing down helps us notice small details and think more clearly. Anyways what’s the point of rushing if you are going in the wrong direction? If you have mental clarity you can make better decisions.
5. Better Physical Health – A better physical health is a by-product of a relaxed mind and relaxed lifestyle. You start choosing healthy options of living like fresh homemade food over fast or junk foods.
6. Increased Creativity – Almost every creative person can vouch for the fact that a slow and relaxed lifestyle boosts their creativity. When you are rushing from one day to other, you cannot really get creative ideas.
Celebrating World Sauntering Day
As discussed above, sauntering Day is not only about walking slowly. It is about giving yourself some time to relax and truly enjoy your day. You do not have to rush from place A to place B; you have to appreciate the journey from place A to place B by observing and enjoying the path that leads to your destination. The day is about understanding the importance of enjoying the journey and feel happy rather than staying fixated on your end goal.
Even when the world around you is running at its fastest speed, you can dedicate one day in a year to slow down your pace and observe your life and your surroundings. This day gives you the opportunity to leave all the rush behind and rejuvenate yourself. Slowing down does not only give you a meditative feeling but also helps you notice small things that you don’t notice otherwise.
So press the pause button of your life on this World Sauntering Day and let yourself enjoy the leisure.
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Any day is an opportunity to celebrate sauntering…