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High IQ Children: List of Child Prodigies with 200+ IQ Score

children with high iq in the world
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | July 3, 2022 (Last update: July 3, 2022)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Recently Mensa was in the news because this oldest high-IQ society accepted its youngest member ever. Isla McNabb, a 2-year-old toddler from Oldham County was accepted as the youngest member of the society ever after scoring 99th percentile on her IQ test. This cute little bubbly toddler has just begun her journey. There have been many young children in the past who have amazed the world with their high level IQ. Here we are presenting a small list of high IQ children who will blow your mind with their achievements at a very young age.

1. Ainan Celeste Cawley (IQ 263)

It won’t be an overstatement if we refer to Ainan Celeste Cawley as a miracle boy. This person has an IQ of 263. According to his parents, Cawley spoke his first word when he was just two weeks old. He walked at six months and had started constructing complex sentences by his first birthday. He gave his first public lecture at the age of six. At the age of 8, he was studying chemistry at the tertiary level at Singapore Polytechnic and remembered the value of pi to 518 decimal places at the age of 9. Born in 1999, this child prodigy has written and composed music as well as directed and edited his own movie since the age of 12.

2. Marilyn Vos Savant (IQ 228)

Marilyn Vos Savant is an American columnist who holds a world record for her IQ level. When Marilyn was just 10 years old, she took Stanford – Binet Test for adults and found her IQ score to be 228. Her name was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for this feat (the category later got erased because of debate over the reliability of IQ tests). Marilyn gives answers to philosophical and mathematical queries of readers of Parade magazine in her column called ‘Ask Marylin’.

3. Michael Kearney (IQ 200 – 325)

Michael Kearney is an American educator. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. But, with the right medical intervention and determination of his and his parents, he proved himself a genius. Michael has many world records in his name as the youngest man to graduate (at the age of 10) and teach at university. He took IQ tests several times as a teenager and scored between 200 and 325.

4. Sho Yano (IQ 200)

Sho Yano is an American doctor with an IQ of 200. He was a child prodigy who learned to read at the age of 2 and started writing and composing music at the age of 5. He had earned the degree of MD and Ph.D. by the age of 21.

5. Christopher Michael Langan (190 – 210)

Hailed as ‘the smartest man in America’, Christopher Michael Langan is known for his high IQ which ranges between 190 and 210. He is believed to have started speaking at 6 months. Not only this, he taught himself to read at just 3. A famous anecdote of his life states that he achieved the perfect score on SAT (A standardized Test used for college admissions in the United States) even though he fell asleep during the exam.

6. Edith Stern (IQ 200+)

Edith Stern was born to Aaron Stern, a concentration camp survivor, and since her birth, she exhibited her giftedness. This child with an above 200 IQ score started communicating through cards even before she turned 11 months. At the age of 1, she recognized all letters. And at the age of 2, she could speak the entire alphabet. She completed her college at 12 and become a trigonometry teacher there at the age of 16.

7. Kim Ung Yong (IQ 210)

Currently a researcher and educator at a University in South Korea, Kim Ung Yong scored 210 on his IQ test. As a child, he was miraculously different from the rest of the children of his age. You won’t be surprised to know that he started speaking at the age of 6 months when you read about his other achievements as a child. Even before he attained the age of 3, Kim Ung Yong was already reading four languages – Korean, English, German and Japanese. By the age of four, he was already writing poetry and stories.

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"High IQ Children: List of Child Prodigies with 200+ IQ Score." Web. March 29, 2025. <>, "High IQ Children: List of Child Prodigies with 200+ IQ Score." Accessed March 29, 2025.

"High IQ Children: List of Child Prodigies with 200+ IQ Score." (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from


3 responses to “High IQ Children: List of Child Prodigies with 200+ IQ Score”

  1. Immortal says:

    This list needs to be regularly updated because there’s a 5-year old boy in Ghana by the name of Jeremiah Owura Addo and he started performing mental feats at the age of 3 years. Currently, he is at the beginner level of learning 12 world languages and is able to mentally compute the product of 2 and 3-digit numbers in a few seconds. I will send you YouTube links to follow up on this child prodigy. You can contact me for personal details regarding this boy if you are interested.

  2. Dr C A Knott says:

    Does anyone remember Somerset Hughes, a little girl in London UK in the early 1960s with an exceptionally high IQ?
    Quite often in the news at that time – what happened to her? What career did she follow?


    Greetings of the Day.

    I would be happy to let you know that my daughter (4 years old) has skills like reading English and talking in English.
    We belong to India and our mother tongue is “Marathi” and ”Hindi”. At home, we mostly talk in Marathi/Hindi.
    We observed my daughter started speaking in English when she was 2 years old and to date, she is talking in English language only.

    We seek your advice to enhance her natural talent and make her a genius.

    We are presently living in Kuwait.

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