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Best Motivational Books in Hindi: Change Your Life!

list of best motivational books in hindi
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | May 31, 2019 (Last update: November 11, 2022)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

We all need motivation to push ourselves towards our goals in life. Lack of motivation to do something is usually the biggest hurdles in our success. Thankfully, we humans, are capable of getting inspired by other people. Whenever we need motivation, the motivational books come for our rescue. These books contain advice, philosophy and views of writers who happen to be the people full of the energy and life. Today we will look at a list of some of the best motivational books in available Hindi language.

1. Vitamin Zindagi by Lalit Kumar

The reason this book comes at number one is that it is really a Hindi motivational book! Most of the other books in the list are translations from other languages, primarily English.

Vitamin Zindagi is the memoir written by Lalit Kumar and published by Hind Yugm-Westland (Eka). This book traces Lalit’s journey with polio in a disabled unfriendly Indian society. The book presents a journey from abnormal to extraordinary. This being a true story, you are bound to feel and relate with all those emotions that the writer has gone through. even if you’re not an Indian, this book serves as a rich source of information on how persons with disabilities cope with their problems in India. Vitamin Zindagi is one of the best memoir written in Hindi and a great motivational book.

Buy Vitamin Zindagi on Amazon

Cover image of Vitamin Zindagi

2. Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

There is no doubt that The Alchemist is one of the most popular book in the world. It follows the story of a boy named Santiago. Book’s author, Paulo Coelho, tells us how to achieve our dreams through a captivating tale of this Spanish shepherd boy.

Hindi translation of The Alchemist has been done by Kamleshwar and is published by Wisdom Tree.

Buy Hindi Version of The Alchemist

the alchemist: motivational book in hindi

list of best motivational books in hindi

3. Jeet Aapki by Shiv Khera

This is the Hindi translation of the Indian bestseller You Can Win written by Shiv Khera. The book contains inspirational views and thoughts of the author. His main standpoint is that the achievers don’t do extraordinary things — instead they do things in extraordinary fashion. Tone of the content is humorous which makes is easy and interesting to read. This book has been published by Bloomsbury Publishing.

Buy Jeet Aapki from Amazon

jeet aapki by shiv khera: motivational book in hindi

4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Well, this is not a motivational book per se. However, it can motivate you to become rich, if that’s all you want! Written by Robert T. Kiyosaki, this book is considered to be the best in teaching personal finance management. It is easy to read and understand and that is the secret of its popularity. Even common man can understand some basic financial rules by reading this book.

Buy Hindi Version of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

5. Sanyasi Jisne Apni Sampati Bech Di by Robin Sharma

This is the Hindi translation of the popular English book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Written by Robin Sharma, the plot of this story revolves around Julian Mantle, a top-notch corporate lawyer who made a lot of money in his career. There comes a point where he has everything that money can buy — but he was not happy. He was not healthy. Julian soon reaches hi break point and he abandons everything and goes out in search of the true life.

Buy Sanyasi Jisne Apni Sampati Bech Di from Amazon

6. Twelfth Fail by Anurag Pathak

This story of Manoj Kumar Sharma who went on to become an IAS, despite once failing his 12th standard examination. This is the story that tells the reader not to give up even if you meet a small failure in your path to your dream. Published by NeoLit Publications, this book has, obviously, been very popular among hundreds of thousands of civil services aspirants in India.

Get Twelfth Fail from Amazon

cover of "twelfth fail" one of the best motivational books in hindi

7. Ati Prabhavkari Logon ki 7 Aadtein by Stephen R. Covey

This is the Hindi translation of globally popular book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity—principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

8. Agni Ki Udaan by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Published originally in English as Wings of Fire is autobiography of India’s missile-man Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. This Hindi translation is among the best-selling Hindi motivational books. Dr. Kalam, who went on the become, arguably, the most popular President of India, was an inspiration for millions. In this book Dr. Kalam describes his early life, effort, hardship, fortitude, luck and chance that eventually led him to lead Indian space research, nuclear and missile programs.

Get Agni Ki Udaan by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

cover of "agni ki udaan" one of the best motivational books in Hindi

9. Lakshya By Brian Tracy

Original English Title: Goals. Author Brian Tracy has shown some ways to achieve the goals — the things that everybody want to get during their lives. This book not only motivates you to get up but also tells you how to proceed and hit the bull’s eye. This book is written from those who really want to achieve something in their lives. This Hindi translation of the book is easy to understand for Hindi-speaking readers.

Get Lakshya by Brian Tracy

cover image of lakshya (goals) by brian tracy

10. Jaisa Tum Sochte Ho By James Allen

Original English Title: As You Think. Instead of self-help, this book focuses on self-empowerment. The author shows how every single person can unlock the greatest fulfillment we can imagine using certain principles which are universal and apply to everyone, regardless of sex, age, race, beliefs, social class, or education.

11. Badi Soch Ka Bada Jaadu By David J. Schwartz

Published originally in English under the title The Magic of Thinking Big, this book reaffirms that one can gain big only if one dreams big.

12. Sankat Safalta Ki Neev Hai By Willie Jolley

Originally published in English as A Setback Is a Setup for a Comeback. In this book, the author Willie Jolley, postulates ‘VDAD’ formula: Vision, Decision, Action and Desire. The book says that setbacks can be used as platform or launch pads towards success. One should not feel troubled by problems — rather one should learn to see possibilities in problems.

13. Sakaratmak Soch Ki Shakti By Norman Vincent Peale

This is another book that encourages us to keep a positive outlook. Book’s author Peale, guides the reader to self-confidence, success and happiness. You should learn about the power of positive thinking and certainly you’ll see the change.

14. Zindagi Woh Jo Aap Banaye By Preeti Shenoy

Original English Title: Life is What You Make It. It’s the story of a girl who stood her grounds and let her hard work speak during tough times. Eventually, she attains her dreams. This novel, written by Preeti Shenoy, is a very motivational story which the reader can relate with.

15. Rahasya By Rhonda Byrne

Original English Title: The Secret. A lot has been written and said about this famous book Rhonda Byrne. This book emphasize on positive thinking. It says that good things will happen in your life only if you’ll keep your thinking positive. In this Hindi translation, you’ll discover the universal mantra of the law of attraction.

Best Motivational Books in Hindi

Best Motivational Books in Hindi
#Book TitleAuthorComments
1Vitamin ZindagiLalit KumarWritten originally in Hindi. Story of a Polio survivor who his way to success through hard-work and dedication.
2Alchemist (Hindi)Paulo CoelhoIf you desire something whole heartedly, it comes to you!
3Jeet AapkiShiv KheraA few mantras of leading a successful life.
4Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Hindi)Robert T. KiyosakiLearn how rich people become rich.
5Sanyasi Jisne Apni Sampati Bech DiRobin SharmaStory of a successful man who eventually realized that materialistic life does not give you inner peace.
6Twelfth FailAnurag PathakCrashing at one step does not mean that you can’t win in future.
7Ati Prabhavkari Logon Ki 7 AadteinStephen R. CoveyHabits that influence the outcome of your hard-work and the whole life.
8Agni Ki UdaanDr. APJ Abdul KalamStory of India’s missile-man.
9LakshyaBrian TracyLearn how to reach your goals.
10Jaisa Tum Sochte HoJames AllenIt all depends on how you think. This book can teach you something that can change your life!
11Badi Soch Ka Bada JaaduDavid J. SchwartzIf you dream big, you’ll achieve big.
12Sankat Safalta Ki Neev HaiWillie JolleySetbacks in life can serve as platform for your eventual success.
13Sakaratmak Soch Ki ShaktiNorman Vincent PealeLearn how positive thinking can change your life.
14Zindagi Wo Jo Aap BanayePreeti ShenoyStory of a girl who overcomes all the odds and realize her dreams.
15RahasyaRhonda ByrneA book that discusses the law of attraction.

These are some of the best Hindi motivational books. We will keep on adding more to this list. You can also suggest the name of a great inspirational book in Hindi. Stay connected!

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"Best Motivational Books in Hindi: Change Your Life!." Web. February 13, 2025. <>, "Best Motivational Books in Hindi: Change Your Life!." Accessed February 13, 2025.

"Best Motivational Books in Hindi: Change Your Life!." (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from


One response to “Best Motivational Books in Hindi: Change Your Life!”

  1. vikas chauhan says:

    great content !!!!!!

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