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Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate for Disabled Persons

car modified for disabled people
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | June 13, 2018 (Last update: June 13, 2018)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Excise duty is a tax that is levied on goods produced or sold in the country. Excise duty is sometimes also called Central Value Added Tax (CVAT) because it is levied by the Central Government. If you want to buy a car, the regular excise duty on various model is stipulated between 16% to 24%. But if a person with disability wants to buy a car for herself — she can claim concession on excise duty.

Persons with orthopedic disability can buy car at a concessional rate of 8%.

Excise duty of 8% is applicable on cars:

  1. being able to be driven by the person with physical disability; or
  2. which has been suitably designed to be able to be driven by person with physical disability; or
  3. meant for persons with physical disability

Government of India issued a notification in this regard on 14 June 1999 and again in March 2007. In order to claim concession on car excise duty, a certificate needs to be produced to the car dealer.

How to Get Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate

This certificate is issued to the person with disability by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. A Deputy Secretary or Director level official can issues this certificate.

car modified for disabled people

Person with disability will have to submit the following documents to get this certificate:

  1. A certificate from a Medical Officer of a Government Hospital stating that the person is medically fit to drive the vehicle. Please note that this is not the disability certificate that you get as a proof of your disability. This certificate needs to be given by the doctor in a prescribed proforma. [Download Medical Certificate Proforma]
  2. A certificate from the car manufacturer stating that the person has booked a car for purchase. The certificate also states that the car has been appropriately modified and/or fitted with additional gadgets to make it suitable for driving by the said person with disability. [Download Manufacturer’s Certificate Proforma]
  3. An affidavit by the person with disability stating that she has not availed concession on car Excise Duty in last five years and that she will not sell off the car being purchased with the concession in next five years.

Application for the Excise Duty Concession along with the above three documents should be sent to the following address:

The Under Secretary (AEI Section)
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises,
Department of Heavy Industry,
Room No. 384, Udyog Bhawan,
New Delhi-110011

You may expect a reply from the Ministry in about one month. Once you get the certificate from the Ministry, you can produce it to the dealer to avail the concessional rate.

Should you have any question on this subject, please feel free to ask. Also, if you can contribute more information on this topic, please let us know. Sharing information is extremely important for the welfare of persons with disabilities. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!


Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate for Disabled Persons." Web. March 3, 2025. <>, "Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate for Disabled Persons." Accessed March 3, 2025.

"Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate for Disabled Persons." (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from


33 responses to “Car Excise Duty Concession Certificate for Disabled Persons”

  1. sachin mehkarkar says:

    Hi, thanks for sharing details about excise duty on cars. I have issue in my right leg. Can I purchase a new car? Kindly suggest and guide.

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      Yes Sachin, you can buy a new car and get it modified as per your needs.

    • Dhan says:

      Hi I’m from Nepal. Your info is really helpful. Can I buy a car in Nepal too with such concessional rate. I’m a polio survivor. I have problem with right hand.

  2. sachin mehkarkar says:

    thanks , but i share my doc. to maruti auto his directly say me not able to share new car under handicap quota bcz right leg not permitted four wheeler so kindly share supporting documents

  3. sangamma says:

    Sir, to get 8% subsidy, how much is the income limit for someone who suffer from locomotar disability?

  4. jiyadhudheen says:

    Hi, your information is really helpful for the disabled persons. My brother is 90% disable and he can not drive himself, is it possible to buy a car for him? for his convenience under this tax concession.

    • anna says:

      only orthopedic disable persons got Car Excise Duty Concession ?
      whether visual impaired/hearing impaired got this consession?

  5. kamlesh rajora says:

    hai sir,
    i am disabled person with both leg. I can controll breaks with my right leg. i have been driving for last three years . Can i purchase a new car this maximum concession. the dealer is asking me to get rto concession procedure on my behlalf . please guide me how to deal it

  6. Shiv Narayan Kaushik says:

    I have purchased a Hyundai I 20 car last December 2018 but I am not aware the benefit to be provided to the persons with disabilities regarding exemption in excise duty and exemption toll fees etc. Please help me to claim the benefit of excise duty and also got provide me free fast tag facility from toll fee on toll plaza of National Highway authority of India.

    • PONMATHI N says:

      I have purchased a Hyundai I 10 granti10 nios
      magna car in MARCH 2020but I am not aware the benefit to be provided to the persons with disabilities regarding exemption in excise duty and exemption toll fees etc. Please help me to claim the benefit of excise duty and also got provide me free fast tag facility from toll fee on toll plaza of National Highway authority of India.

  7. prashanth reddy says:

    thanks for sharing information those who are in need. really it will helpfull a lot for every one…


    i bought new car celerio amt and no i need to passing my car in INVALID CARRIAGE and i have a doubt that if rto refuse to pass my car in invalid carriage than what i shoud do in future.plz replu me

  9. srisaileeswari sugumar says:

    sir, My father is a visually challenged, retired professor and he is a senior citizen too. we are planning to buy a new car. is there any concession available for visually challenged person to buy a new car. please guide me.

  10. Akhil Sood says:

    i am a visually impaired persons with a 100% disability. I can not drive the Car my self, can I get Exemption in Excise Duty. Can I get free Fast tag Facility?

  11. Virendra Chauhan says:

    hello sir,
    i am disabled person with leg. I can controll breaks with my left leg. i have been driving for last three years . Can i purchase a new car this maximum concession.please tell me how to process my order.

    • endale lemma says:

      sir it is a nice help for us physically dis able person.pleace tell the procedure to use this opportunity

  12. shruti says:

    Hello sir, I am a disabled girl with both legs having 81 % Polio. I have a modified car Alto k10 invalid carriage. How can I get Fastag for exempted vehicle?


    I’m physically challenged but government lecturer. Am I eligible for car concession?

  14. Vishnu says:

    I am paraplegic patient for past 8yrs and cannot use my legs. I want to get altered 4-wheeler. Am I eligible for 8% excise tax and road tax in Andhra Pradesh?

  15. Anita says:

    I am fully disabled, with Osteoarthritis, and heart problems, am I eligible for a certificate?

  16. Aijaj Momin says:

    Hi my self Aijaj Momin I am locomotor disabled left leg 70%. I have buy a new car. Can you refund my exercise duty amount.

  17. Jayaprakash says:

    I am orthopedic disabled , having mild problem in right leg and right hand. Able to drive the automatic car without any modifications. Please suggest me how to buy the car

  18. Deepak kumar says:

    hello ! i am 70% ph and got a regular dl …i can manage to drive a manual car ..can i purchase a manual car under adaptive vehicle?

  19. Anita says:

    Hi, my son is intellectual disabled .Can he get any discount on buying a car. Disability percentage is 50. Physically he is ok. Can he get discount?

  20. Rakesh says:


    i am purchase car now . can we get benefit after purchase new car ?.
    can we apply for this benefit after purchase car ?


  21. Mohammad Umar says:

    This service of providing certificate is now available online. No need to submit hard copies. Kindly visit website for FAQs.

  22. Madhu Balakrishnan says:

    My son is 15 years old DMD patient with 60% disability. He is having UDID card also. He can’t walk and is on wheelchair. I am planning to buy a car for with modification, which can be suitable to use for a handicapped and I will drive the vehicle. Please confirm whether he is eligible to get this certificate / discount ?

  23. Vishal says:

    about excise duty on cars. I have issue in my Deaf Disability. Can I purchase a new car? Kindly suggest and guide.

  24. Altaf says:

    Hello sir i have locomotive disability but i can drive car or bike as normal people without any modifications so can i get normal licance?

  25. Sachin Kamble says:

    I have 80% disability on my right side, can I import a used car from one of the other countries? What documents will be required and what are the applicable charges for registration, import, road tax, etc.?
    Please advise on time taken as well.

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