A list of mobile phone apps that can help persons with various disabilities to get around challenges posed by their disabling conditions.

A list of mobile phone apps that can help persons with various disabilities to get around challenges posed by their disabling conditions.
Learn the best way to propel your wheelchair. Using the right method for wheelchair propulsion helps you conserve energy and avoid injuries.
Learn about different types of sports wheelchairs used in sports like tennis, soccer, hockey, basketball, rugby, racing, marathon etc.
What is a sports wheelchair? Learn features of a sports wheelchair and whether you can use a sports wheelchair for daily activity usage.
Hemiplegic wheelchairs are often used by stroke patients and other hemiplegic people. Here are a few important tips on how to buy such a wheelchair.
Learn the tips for wheelchair users to keep safe, active and healthy during the winter months especially in areas where it snows.
Losing weight might seem to be very difficult to wheelchair users. The reason is obvious, lack of physical activity. But can you succeed somehow?
Learn about the factors that affect the range of power wheelchair. People often want to know how long can a wheelchair go.
Sitting in a wheelchair for long hours may be a need or a compulsion. Learn about the issues that may arise due to prolonged wheelchair use.
Learn about the meaning and definition of assistive technology and devices. We also give examples and categories of assistive devices.
Learn how to buy a wheelchair best suitable and perfect for you. Purchasing a wheelchair is a major decision. These tips will help you make the right one!
White canes used by blind people come in various types of tip attachments. These include pencil, ball, hockey, roller, ceramic and mushroom shaped tips.
Perkins Brailler is a simple Braille typewriter with six keys to emboss Braille letters on paper. Modern keyboards are mostly based on Perkins Brailler.
Learn what is Refreshable Braille Display and how it works. We explain how to purchase a Braille Display and how it helps people with blindness.
Learn about the wheelchair safety tips and checklist for users and caregivers. Learning how to to use wheelchair properly is very important for the new users.
Tips in this wheelchair maintenance checklist will keep you safe from malfunctioning and mishaps.
Learn the features of the Arise standing wheelchair developed by IIT Madras. We’ve also included price of this wheelchair in India and demo video.
A list of the best screen reading software available for persons with visual impairment. These free and paid screen readers are very helpful for the blind people.
Learn about most commonly used types of wheelchairs. These include self-propelled, attendant drive, folding and power wheelchairs.
Get address and contact details of various branches of BMVSS to get your Jaipur Foot made. Contact persons and their phone numbers and emails have also been mentioned so that you can contact exactly the right person.
Learn all about Jaipur Foot. Know about its founders, cost, benefits and how to get this world famous prosthetic leg.