Learn about the social stigma and discrimination meted out to persons with disabilities in Russia. We discuss Federal laws and statistics as well.

Learn about the social stigma and discrimination meted out to persons with disabilities in Russia. We discuss Federal laws and statistics as well.
Learn about the situation of disability in Egypt. We discuss the disability definition, laws, statistics, social stigma and discrimination.
Learn about disability in Germany. We discuss definition, laws, employment, statistics and social status of disabled people in Germany.
Learn about the status of disability in France. We discuss definition, laws, employment, and social status (discrimination, stigma etc.)
Learn about the disability situation in Japan. We explain the laws, rights and services available to PwDs in Japan along with the social status of the PwD in the country.
Learn about disability in the United Kingdom (the UK). We discuss the disability definition, laws (The Equality Act), employment benefits, disability statistics etc.
Learn about the state and definition of disability in the USA. We discuss the timeline of the disability rights movement in America, ADA and statistics.
Learn facts about disability in China. We present the definition of disability in China, associated social stigma, discrimination and government’s efforts to ensure equality for PwD.
Learn about the difference between permanent and temporary disability certificate in India. We discuss the benefits available on these documents.
Guide dogs and other services animals prove to be the best friends for many persons with disabilities as they can help their master to do many things.
Learn about Disability in Canada. We discuss disability definition, facts, statistics, legislation and status of employment of PwD in Canada.
Learn how the Holy Bible mentions disability. Here’s a list of verses, quotes and passages related to disabilities from the Bible.
Learn about the definition, statistics and status of disability in Australia as per the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Learn about the situation and status of disability in Brazil as per the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
Learn about facts related with hearing loss and deafness. A few simple strategies can help in preventing hearing loss.
Learn about the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), an initiative by the Indian government to root out disabilities in Indian children.
Learn tips on how to cope with the stress you may go through as parent of a child with autism. Learn to take care of yourself as well while caring for your child.
Learn which colors are used for Down syndrome awareness and why people wear odd mismatched socks to show solidarity with people with Down syndrome.
Learn how Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mention disability. In order to be inclusive SDGs do speak for the rights of persons with disabilities.
Learn about the International Sign Language and how it is placed in comparison to ASL, BSL and other sign languages of the world.
Who is a person with disability? Learn the definition, meaning and rights available to persons with disabilities around the world.