It’s good that people are now talking about mental issues like depression. But, it’s equally sad that the term depression is being used so loosely that anyone can claim to be depressed every other day. With this article, we intend to make you understand that there’s a huge difference between being depressed and feeling down or sad. You should not use the word depression for your or anyone else’s condition unless it has been clinically diagnosed.
Everyone feels sad and that’s completely normal. If you occasionally feel sad, it means you are a normal human being with emotions. Congratulations!
But what if you feel sadder than usual? Is it depression? Well, it may be.
Differences between sadness and depression
Sure, depression involves sadness but depression is something way more than sadness. Unlike sadness, depression is a mental illness that comes with many symptoms like feeling tired and exhaustion all the time, having serious thoughts about death and suicide, losing interest in all the activities you normally enjoyed, feeling of worthlessness, etc. Episodes of depression normally last at least two weeks at a time. It may be triggered by some sad events in your life or it may also jump out of the blue.
1. Sadness can be relieved but depression cannot
Being sad due to life events like losing a job or a loved one, having a breakup etc. is quite normal. But, this normal sadness can also turn into depression. If you find relief by crying or venting out your frustration or talking to a close friend, you are sad. But, if the phase of sadness does not pass or if it becomes impossible for you to resume your normal functions, it may be a sign of depression.
2. Serious Suicidal Thoughts may be a Sign of Depression
Many of us feel or say that ‘my life is not worth living when we feel sad or frustrated’. But, if someone starts thinking constantly about ending their life this may be a serious sign of depression.
Note: Whether its depression or something else, you need to instantly seek help if you get suicidal thoughts.
3. Hope can live with sadness but not with depression
If you know deep within that things will get sorted out or you will feel happy once again, you may be only sad and not depressed. Your positive attitude can help you see the silver lining even when you are extremely sad. In the case of clinical depression, a person most likely becomes hopeless even if their life situation is not bad at all from the viewpoint of others.
4. Depression interrupts with normal daily tasks
A person, when sad, can keep on with their daily routine while feeling low on their inside. They can laugh and smile for others while crying inside. But, if the sadness restricts the normal functioning of a person’s life, it may be a tell-a-tale sign of depression.
What if Your Symptoms Indicate Towards Depression rather than Sadness?
If you feel that the symptoms indicate depression, then you should seek professional help as soon as possible. Although you can find many websites where they claim to diagnose your depression by taking some quiz — but you should visit a doctor or a therapist. You might need some medications or psychological help. Always remember, depression is treatable and it is never the end of the world.
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"Difference between Sadness and Depression." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "Difference between Sadness and Depression." Accessed March 26, 2025.
"Difference between Sadness and Depression." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
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