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Jobs and Career For Disabled: Use Internet to Make Money Online

I have been posting information about the online jobs and career for persons with disabilities. A large number of WeCapable readers are not comfortable with English language. So, I decided to make Hindi videos on topics related with jobs for handicapped people. In these videos I speak mainly about developing skills so that you can create your career doing jobs with the help of Internet. I have tried and tested most of these avenues and I’ve had considerable success in most of them.

The best thing about having a career in Internet-based tasks is that the disabled people can do these from home. Different types of disabilities impose different kind of restrictions on people. Online careers allow you to adjust your professional life to suit your abilities and disability. Moreover, online jobs are like business — so if you become successful, you can provide jobs to others! You will be your own boss. You can also decide to work whenever and wherever you want. There would not be any compulsion to go to office at a specific time. Some disabled people find it difficult to continuously sit for long time in office. While doing Internet-based jobs you can take breaks as and when you want. But remember, this approach requires a lot of hard work and patience to become successful.

Soon, I will also start posting information on government vacancies for disabled people. However, I still believe that you all should seriously think about creating an Internet-based career because there are not many government jobs available.

Go through the following videos and see how you can make money from Internet and create an online career for yourself. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel Dashamlav to stay updated!

Videos on Jobs and Career for Persons with Disabilities


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"Jobs and Career For Disabled: Use Internet to Make Money Online." Web. February 13, 2025. <>, "Jobs and Career For Disabled: Use Internet to Make Money Online." Accessed February 13, 2025.

"Jobs and Career For Disabled: Use Internet to Make Money Online." (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from