Multiple Sclerosis (commonly known as MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system i.e. brain and spinal cord. Literally, multiple sclerosis means scarring in more than one place. The disease causes damage to nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. There are many things about multiple sclerosis that are yet to be studied and researched by neurologists and scientists. But, there are some facts that we all should know as we never know when someone around us can get diagnosed with MS.
1. Multiple Sclerosis is a silent or invisible disease. Many of the people with MS will look no different than others who are not affected by MS and this can make their struggle more difficult. The disease can silently progress without giving any hint to the patient. It is an unpredictable disease that can affect anyone at any time.
2. Women are three times more likely to get multiple sclerosis. Experts do not know the reason but statistics tell that number of women with Multiple Sclerosis is significantly higher than that of men.
3. Most people are diagnosed with MS in their 20s and 40s but it can be diagnosed at younger as well as older ages too. It however becomes difficult to diagnose MS in older patients due to overlapping symptoms of age-related ailments.
4. Multiple Sclerosis is neither contagious nor infectious. This means you cannot get infected with multiple sclerosis by living in close contact with someone with Multiple Sclerosis.
5. Multiple sclerosis is a life-long condition but it is not a terminal illness. There’s no cure for the disease only symptomatic treatments and lifestyle adaptations are the options available to someone who has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The life expectancy isn’t affected much but the person might need some lifestyle adjustments to live a normal life. Many people with multiple sclerosis also witness some periods of relapse and remission. Even during the remission period, the disease may silently progress.
6. It has been noted that Multiple sclerosis is more common in countries that are further north or south of the equator. In other words, a temperate climate can be one of the factors that can increase the risk of Multiple Sclerosis.
7. It is very interesting to note that MS is not inherited but family members do have a slightly higher risk of developing the diseases. Multiple Sclerosis is not yet considered an inherited disorder but scientists believe there can be a genetic predisposition to developing the disease. About 15% of people with MS reportedly have one or more family members or relatives affected with Multiple Sclerosis.
8. Multiple Sclerosis is an auto-immune disease where the body’s immune system starts attacking its central nervous system i.e. the brain and the spinal cord. The attack is particularly targeted at the fatty substance acting as a protective covering around the nerve. These protective coverings are called Myelin. They protect the nerves and allow smoother traveling of messages from one end to the other. As the loss of myelin leaves the nerves exposed for damages, Multiple Sclerosis is also called a neurodegenerative disease.
9. Low level of Vitamin D in the body is also considered one of the factors that can trigger MS. However, the exact reason is yet to be found out. Studies have shown that increasing the level of Vitamin D in the body can help relieve the symptoms of MS. But on the other hand, the heat of the sun can also worsen some heat-induced symptoms. Heat intolerance is seen as one of the common symptoms.
10. Symptoms and severity of symptoms of MS vary from person to person. But, there are certain symptoms that are found more commonly in persons diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. The symptoms include – weakness, tiredness, numbness, pain, tingling sensation, stiffness, muscle spasm, difficulty walking or balancing, vertigo or dizziness, brain fogging, changes in hearing and vision. Other symptoms may also include bladder and bowel problems, sexual dysfunction, tremor, difficulty in speech and swallowing, depression and anxiety.
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"10 Facts about Multiple Sclerosis You Should Know." (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from
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