Vehicles especially designed for the use by persons with disabilities are exempted from paying toll tax in India. This exemption is applicable at all toll plazas on all the highways operated by the National Highways Authority of India. Please note that the toll tax exemption is valid only for the vehicles modified for the use by a disabled person. Section 2(18) of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, defines such vehicles as “invalid carriage”. So, your vehicle’s RC must show the vehicle registered under the invalid carriage category.
A disabled person traveling in a regular car shall have to pay the toll fee.
The government amended rules to this effect and published the amendments in the Gazette of India on 08 June 2016. An NHAI notification about this change was issued on 13 June 2016 with circular number NHAI/CO/11//2016.
As per the 2011 Census, 2 crore 68 lakh people in India have disability. But only a very small percentage of these people drive a vehicle. Introduction of measures like toll tax exemption and excise duty concession will help making persons with disabilities drive their own vehicles and become self-dependent.
In practice, while seeking the toll tax exemption, the driver of the invalid carriage will have to show relevant documents. For example, RC showing registration of the vehicle as an invalid carriage. Showing these documents and convincing the toll booth operator takes time. As a result, the vehicle queue at toll plaza piles up.
To resolve this, the government has moved a step forward. Now the government is providing free FASTag for the vehicle registered as invalid carriage. This tag allows you to zip through the toll booth in a matter a seconds.
Should you have any question on this subject, please feel free to ask. Also, if you can contribute more information on this topic, please let us know. Sharing information is extremely important for the welfare of persons with disabilities. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!
Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography
"Toll Tax Exemption for Disabled Persons." Web. March 28, 2025. <>, "Toll Tax Exemption for Disabled Persons." Accessed March 28, 2025.
"Toll Tax Exemption for Disabled Persons." (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
thanks for update the infomation
we also request you sir pl tell me, can this order are aplicable all disabilities persons if car registered his own name but drive by any other persns (driver) also
I got the invalid carriage certificate to my car.
1, Can other person drive the car and get the toll exemption?
2, How to get the FASTag for invalid carriage to zip at toll plaza?
Hi Lalit,
I am driving an invalid carriage vehicle. could you please guide how to get free fastag for my vehicle.
Hi Lalit
I have a Spinal Cord Injury and am paralysed neck below. Have applied for UDID Card today (UDID no. CH0150619710006810).
NHAI doesn’t charge toll from person using an ‘invalid carriage’. My condition is worse as I can’t even drive myself. The vehicle however is registered in my name.
Any solution. Regards
it is possible only
Before car purchase .
And need to register it as invalid carriage
At the time of car registration , register it as invalid carriage.
1) Who is eligible for this benefit? Any Orthopedic Physically handicapped person having permanent disability of 40% & above can apply for the benefit under the scheme as per Notification of Ministry of Finance nO14/2019 – Integrated Tax Rate dated 30th Sep 2019.
If ur car registered as invalid carriage or adapted vehicle then only it is possible .
what is for 100% blind person who cant drive individualy ,but car owned by that person and travell regularly by car .
I am a physically handicapped person with 70% disability. Kindly let me know how to get free fastag to claim toll plaza exemption
Hi Lalit
I am an orthopedically handicaped person. i have a own car(normal) but i cannot drive myself…..does NHAI provide tollfree facility???
Any solution. Regards
Hii Sir
I am physical handicap 90%
How to get free toll fastag
Please replay me.
I am a disabled person with left leg disability. I have purchased a automatic car ( Grand i10 Hyundai) & registered as INVALID CARRIAGE. Now I want get Toll free Fastag. Pl guide how to get Fastag.
In which state did you register your vehicle? Was you asked by RTO to modify the AMT car? My left leg is affected and I can easily drive an AMT car. I want to know whether the RTO can ask me to further modify an AMT car.
Hello sir am disable person 60%….. Help me sir…. I have grand i10 car hyundai
I purchased a Maruti Alto K10 and registered in my name. Being a orthographically handicapped person, the RTO exempted the road tax and issued RC. In which there is written as *tax exempted* but not written as “Invalid Carriage”. When I asked the authorities, they simply said it is enough not necessary to issue as Invalid carriage. In this matter How can I proceed sir?
if it is already registered as LMV you cannot register it as INV CRG. You should ask them to register it as INV CRG
Sir, after purchasing the car I have applied for GST concession. The authorities have also issued the said certificate. Now how can I reimburse the GST already paid by me at the time of car purchased. Please anybody advise me in this regard.
Sri Bhagwanji you have to apply to Dealer where you have to purchase car other wise sent the email to Higher authority of OEM
At the time of car registration , register it as invalid carriage.
Helo sir,
My friend disabled polio using a registerd invalid carriage Hundai i-20 with modified hand gear /breake from Tamilnadu authorised authority.Got D/L also for this invalid modified car.RTO given the Toll free pass but now in Toll they asked to register online free tag other wise he is paying the toll money. sir, please guide how to get free fastag for this vehicle.
Gulzar ahamed for Veeraragavan.
Sir please help me to buy and modify a car for my disability requirements. I need the particulars on tamilnadu authorized authority details.
sir my left lower limb is affected by Polio,The right leg is normal.I have purchased a car with automatic transmission(No Clutch Pedal and no work for Left leg) .Registered as normal Vehicle. I have also received a driving license that i can drive a Invalid Carriage. Is the Driving License Valued for me?
The above available concession may allowed on two wheel vehicle attached with side wheel also, if so how
I am a 80% handicap.I have owner of polo car.I want to fastag toll free card I am eligible or not for his fesality. If I am eligible.than how can take a toll free fastag card.
I had INVCRG License issued in Aug 2007 driving Automatic Car, modification is not required in car as I can drive vehicle by one leg , now License renewed in Aug 2019 and marked as ADPVEH (adoptive vehicle) on my license. Now Toll Plaza collecting toll to me saying my RC book does not mention INVCRG. I have License to drive AT vehicle by one leg ( Medical certificate issued from AIMIPM hajiali Mumbai) How to avail toll exemption from toll plaza as I am driving 2007 model AT vehicle. In Gujarat state toll plaza collection center says my vehicle dos not having IC number? What is IC number?
Show them the Motor vehicle act 2019 which clearly mentions that the Invalid Carriage word has been replace by Adapted Vehicle by Ministry of Road and Highways. You can find in google.
Here is the link of doc:
Why toll plaza dose not mentioned in their hording that handicapped driven vehicle exempted from toll?
What action we can take against him?
If toll plaza person is saying he has no such rule for toll exemption, what action we should take?
Hello Sir,
I have Invalid carriage in my rc as well as in my dl. Please let me know the place where I could apply for invalid carriage fastag.
Please revert asap.
My wife is a physically disabled and she has own car and registered as normal vehicle. not aware of tax exemption. she cannot drive and driven by driver. she is deaf more than 90% and has disability certificate. Is she eligible to get toll free fastag card?
I am Shashikant, a divyang more than 80%. I am permitted to drive an automatic transmission vehicle with a knob on a steering wheel without any change. Since having no provision in RTO to issue a licence only for Automatic Transmission Vehicle, I am issued a license for invalid carriage but since no change is advice in the car, my car can not be registered as invalid carriage. Now the question arises, though I am Handicapped and such cases are very rare, how can I get a Fastag in such situation? Moreover, cant a handicapped person own a car and keep driver? Whether the Toll Tax and rules are for people or a car? Under certain circumstances whether will I be able to succeed in getting a free Fastag or I shall get deprived of the concession because of the technicalities despite I am handicapped more than 80%.
Sir, even I’m in the same situation as you are. Did you fine any solution or get an Exempted FasTAG issued? It would be great if you could contact me at
I am a physically handicapped 80% affected and can’t able to move without any one’s help. Therefore I cannot drive the vehicle. How can I get toll fee exemption. How can I get toll fee exemption, please tell me, if there is any G.O. for special order.
i am deaf dumb , disabled and i have a car and registered as normal vehicle me can drive well and i have disability pwd certificate.
is it eligible to get toll free fastag card?
pls kind you help me
Hi Lalit sir,
I am driving an invalid carriage vehicle. could you please guide how to get free fastag for my vehicle.
Approach either the NHAI or some banks who issue Fastags and submit documents like RC of vehicle, Driving licence and rest of all basic documents.
Both RC and Driving Licence must show class of Vehicle as Adapted Vehicle or Invalid Carriage.
Just to mention the word Invalid Carriage has been replace by Adapted Vehicle in the Motor Vehicle act 2019
Hi Ashok,
Have you altered your car? or you have bought automatic car from the show room directly and using that?
My son is deaf and dumb. Handicap carrying vehicle having toll tax exemption ( Deaf and Dumb ). Vehicle is not in his name. Vehicle not modified. Many toll places they refuse to give exemption. Please guide me.
Vehicle has to be registered in name of a handicapped person and he only should be driving. The vehicle should also be registered as Adapted Vehicle or Invalid Carriage. If any of these is not there then Toll person can deny, and he has right to deny as per rule.
I have a Maruti Celerio-vxi (Automatic transmission) and my license is for invalid carriage category. I am suffering from Polio, my right leg is fully effected. How i can apply for free fastag. Please guide me what is procedure above facility.
Hi team
I m Deaf person
I m own car and I have own RC but I don’t have Driving License Govt don’t allow give us (Deaf) DL how do I get Free fastag?
Sir I am a partially deaf person and have driving license, can I get toll exemption from NHAI?
Is that rule applicable for trucks?
Hi Lalit
I am an orthopedically handicapped person. i have acar(Automatic) but i can drive myself. Does NHAI provide toll free facility? Any solution.
Visual impaired people how to get this exemption from toll!?
Sir, I am an orthopedic handicapped person (40%) right leg. Am l eligible for free fastag. Thanks
sir I physically challenged more than 60 % Disability having my car in my son’s name ( Who is not with me) how can available tool free facilities in NHAI and other tools.please reply and I am senior citizen. kindly reply me sir.