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Wheelchair Safety Tips: Checklist for Caregivers and Users

a wheelchair user is standing up from his wheelchair
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | March 2, 2021 (Last update: January 28, 2023)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

A wheelchair is one of the most commonly used assistive devices for people with limited mobility. It gives the person the freedom to live a life of dignity and independence. A person may need to use a wheelchair due to a pre-existing condition, an accident or due to old age. Whatever is the reason for you to use a wheelchair, or even if you’re a caregiver or wheelchair attendant, you need to know some wheelchair safety tips. This is because accidents do happen on wheelchairs too. Just as it is important to maintain your wheelchair, you ought to know how to use it properly. So, without any further delay let’s jump onto the safety tips that every manual wheelchair user needs to know.

1. Understand Your Center of Gravity

It is more important if you are just starting to use a wheelchair. If you are using a wheelchair for a long time, chances are you are already aware of your center-of-gravity, whether consciously or subconsciously. For living an active life in a wheelchair you will need to reach, lean, bend and transfer in and out of the wheelchair. All these movements change the normal distribution of weight and if the distribution of weight is not balanced the wheelchair might tip over. So, you should practice all these activities in a safe environment and in presence of another individual. Once you find out your own way of safely reaching out, bending and transferring in and out of your wheelchair you can live an active life independently.

a wheelchair user is standing up from his wheelchair

2. Never Forget Your Wheelchair Locks

You might know that putting on your wheelchair locks is essential while transferring in and out of your wheelchair. But, it is also advisable to lock your wheelchair bending, leaning sideways or reaching out for picking up or putting down something. The wheelchair locks are really helpful in maintaining the balance of the wheelchair during any disturbance to the equitable distribution of weight on the wheelchair. If you try to bend or reach out without applying the brakes the wheelchair might slip backward and you may fall off.

3. Learn the Right Techniques of Bending, Leaning or Reaching

Never attempt to reach an object if you need to move forward in your seat. Never bend to pick an object if you have to pick it up by reaching between your knees. Never lean entirely to one side of the wheelchair. Never try to grab something from backward if you can’t comfortably reach it without changing your sitting position. All these ‘right techniques’ of reaching, leaning and bending boils down to the single concept of ‘center-of-gravity’. As long as you maintain your center of gravity on your wheelchair, you are safe.

4. Pay Attention to Your Castors

The castors, in layman’s language, are your wheelchair’s front wheel that can rotate in all directions. It is always advisable to position your castors away from the big wheels of your wheelchair. This positioning of castors provides the longest possible wheelbase. This is advisable while transferring in and out of the wheelchair and also while bending or reaching out. This is an idle position to lock your wheelchair while doing wheelchair exercises too.

Resistance training exercise on wheelchair

5. Understand your Capabilities and Limitations

Knowing your current physical abilities is as important as knowing your wheelchair. You might have seen people doing stunts with their wheelchair… but everybody does not have the same physical abilities. If you want to negotiate an incline or decline, you should first try to do it in presence of an individual who can save you from falling off. In the majority of cases, it is advisable to take someone’s help on ramps, curbs or uneven surfaces. If your physical condition allows you to negotiate such places confidently, go ahead!

6. Use Seat Belts Whenever Required

Seat-belts are meant to keep you securely on your wheelchair seat. If you have a reduced body balance it is recommended to use a seat belt especially when outside. It is advisable for every wheelchair user to use those seat belts to keep themselves safe especially while descending a ramp or while on an uneven surface. It’s better to be a little cautious than to get hurt.

problems faced by wheelchair users

7. Practice Maneuvering Your Wheelchair Backward too

At some places, like while entering a lift, propelling your wheelchair backward is more suitable. While crossing some small obstacles like a raised platform of half or one inch it is easier to go backward rather than forward. This is because big wheels can cross small hurdles much easier than small ones. But, again, practice it first in a safe environment before going on your own.

8. Know that Footplates are Not for Standing on Them

The footplates or the footrest given in your wheelchair are meant just to give you a comfortable sitting position. You can and should rest your feet on the footrest while sitting on the wheelchair. Never try to stand or give extra weight on your footrest or your wheelchair will tip forward. It is also advisable to fold the footplates while transferring in and out of the wheelchair to avoid any accident.

9. Keep Your Wheelchair Maintained

Last but not least, keep your wheelchair in maintained condition to avoid any accident due to any wear and tear of the wheelchair. For the period you are using a wheelchair, it is your extended limb, so make sure you take care of it just like your own body.

Hope these tips are helpful in keeping you safe and active in your wheelchair. We recommend you to read our article about things that can make life easier for wheelchair users. You will love it.

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"Wheelchair Safety Tips: Checklist for Caregivers and Users." Web. March 3, 2025. <>, "Wheelchair Safety Tips: Checklist for Caregivers and Users." Accessed March 3, 2025.

"Wheelchair Safety Tips: Checklist for Caregivers and Users." (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from


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