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Low Vision: Definition, Causes and Disability

low vision blindness percentage chart
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | October 17, 2019 (Last update: October 17, 2019)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Low-vision means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, namely:

  1. visual acuity not exceeding 6/18 or less than 20/60 upto 3/60 or upto 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with best possible corrections; or
  2. limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 40 degree up to 10 degree.

Some of the most common causes of low vision include age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, and glaucoma. Low vision may also result from cancer of the eye, albinism, brain injury, or inherited disorders of the eye including retinitis pigmentosa.

Assessment of Low Vision

Low vision is assessed only after taking all the possible measures to correct the vision as much as possible. These measures include medical and surgical interventions and/or use of spectacles/lenses.

low-vision blindness assessment

Low vision is assessed in terms of Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA).

low vision blindness percentage chart

Low Vision as Disability

In India, under RPWD Act 2016, low vision is considered to be a disability. A person having benchmark disability, can avail disability benefits from the government.

Disability Certificate for Low-Vision

If you think you have low vision and you want to get a disability certificate, you should visit a nearby government hospital for further directions.

The medical authority will decide whether disability certificate should be temporary or permanent. The disability shall be permanent to be certified. The certificate can be temporary if condition is likely to worsen and also for specific purposes such as for pursuing education. The need of reassessment, if required, should be clearly mentioned in the certificate with time frame. In certain cases such as keratoconus, developmental defects, operated congenital cataract with corneal decompensation, operated congenital glaucoma with hazy cornea etc., the patient especially can be issued a temporary certificate.

Medical Authority for Disability Certificate

The medical authority shall comprise of one ophthalmologist and certificate of disability shall be countersigned by Medical Superintendent or Chief Medical Officer or Civil Surgeon or any other equivalent authority as notified the State Government.

Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"Low Vision: Definition, Causes and Disability." Web. March 29, 2025. <>, "Low Vision: Definition, Causes and Disability." Accessed March 29, 2025.

"Low Vision: Definition, Causes and Disability." (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from


19 responses to “Low Vision: Definition, Causes and Disability”


    Hi Lalit,
    I met an accident nearly 15 years back (right eye was strucked by a bamboo). It is recovering with time but still the power is -4.5. Will it be considered as low vision disability. Also, from where can i get the certificate for that.

  2. Nagaraju says:

    sir my left eye with lens vision 6/18 & right eye may be 6/24 with lens, when I close my left eye then only I can see with right eye is it possible for pwd certificate for govt jobs applying purpose

  3. Riyaz Ahamed says:

    Sir I have squint in right eye from birth due to not consultant proper doctor we have left that without treatment so my right eye doesn’t have vison ie low vision can I get a disability certificate

  4. raj awasthi says:

    I am myopic with 6/60 both eyes, can I get benchmark permanent disability certificate for Govt Jobs


    hi sir / mam ,
    my daughter eye sight is very week as treatment running from AIIMS.
    Eye surgery already completed in AIIMS when she was just 6 month old.
    at present she wear glasses of -6 for left eye and -10 for right eye.
    So please suggest me . she can be covered in any certificate for her admission and future .

  6. Arjunsaran says:

    Sir my left eye is -6 and left eye is -5 . Am I eligible for VI category?

  7. Priyanka says:

    Sir I am having lazy eye defect in my right eye. Is it considered for disability certificate?

  8. JAMIA B MARLAY says:

    I had acute angle closure glaucoma, treated with repeated laser weekly for 5 weeks then surgery with lens implant. I can see nothing clearly. When stressed my vision deteriorates as if my pressure goes back up and down. I am a nurse and unable to work as I can not see clearly enough to assess and etc. Electronic devices are almost impossible to work with as I cant see with the glare, cant drive at night, trip all the time, have poor depth perception and my vision or lack there of seems to change hour to hour day to day. Denied disability, Im a single parent with both parents deceased and no income. I dont know what to do.

  9. varun anand says:

    Greetings !
    I have both left and right eye impairment with number -9.5 and -9 . I also have 30% disability certificate from district hospital in state of my place. Does this is comes under the ‘low vision’ category?

  10. Imran N Pinjari says:

    Minimum 40℅ Disability is considered as A low vision

  11. Nutan savla says:

    He is 13 and having low vision problems. With with high myopia glasses; he use of -25 in right and -27 in left. Can I get hsi percentage disability. I have got unique disability card but not valid and we’re like toll plaza and train travel. can you guide?

  12. Itumeleng Molokwane says:

    Good day,
    I have cc 6/60 from my left eye without correction, 6/24+1 corrected.

    In my right eye (no light perception)
    Do I qualify for a disable certificate?

  13. Priya says:

    If Vision for 1 eye is 6/6 with (+5 glasses) and for other eye No vision due to amblyopia, Is this considered as disability ? If yes, what’s the further process to get a certificate ?

    • Pyare says:

      I too have amblyopic eye. So did you get your answer ? If yes then plz tell me the procedure so that i can get that certificate too….

  14. Sharafat says:

    If any one has 6/24 in left eye and 6/18 in Right eye .what percentage of disability he will get in disability certificate…

  15. shahbaz says:

    Sir I have one eye fully blinded and my left eye has -1 lens. How much disability percentage do I have?

  16. Hemanth Peela says:

    I have -6 eye sight in both eye… Am i eligible for the benchmark disability certificate

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