NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards have been awarded to Lalit Kumar ‘Samyak Lalit’, Vidhya Y, Soundarya Kumar Pradhan and others.

NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards have been awarded to Lalit Kumar ‘Samyak Lalit’, Vidhya Y, Soundarya Kumar Pradhan and others.
Learn about what is the meaning and definition of accessibility. We explain various types of barriers that cause lack of accessibility.
Learn the hotkeys or keyboard shortcut keys for Windows and Apple Mac computers. These hotkeys enhances computer accessibility and save time.
Learn about the banner accessibility features available in Windows 10. These features can help persons with disabilities to use computer more easily.
Let’s understand how does wheelchair assistance work at airports. It’s very easy for person with disabilities to travel by air.
Petitioned by Arman Ali, the Gauhati High Court ordered that private entities also need to provide accessible locations and services for disabled people.
Learn about the importance of a proper wheelchair ramp ratio. A too steep ramp would be difficult for a wheelchair user to climb.
Learn the meaning of various types of tactile tiles used in making path for the blind people. These include blister, stripe and lozenge shaped tiles. A tactile path is used by partially sighted people for navigational purpose.
Have you ever wanted to travel by Delhi Metro and wondered if metro stations are accessible for persons with disabilities? Well, we researched about it. This article lists accessibility features of stations and tips for you to travel by Delhi Metro.
Learn what adaptations need to be made to make a house or office accessible for a visually impaired person. High contrast and tactile surfaces are the keys to this objective.
Universal Design features can make homes accessible and disabled friendly. In reality these features are equally useful for everyone but specially for persons with disabilities. Learn about these features and incorporate them in your houses.