Learn about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and its causes. In most developed countries MS is treated as a disability and one can claim benefits if MS is in advanced stages.

Learn about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and its causes. In most developed countries MS is treated as a disability and one can claim benefits if MS is in advanced stages.
Learn about hemophilia and it’s types A, B and C. We also explain the genetics of hemophilia and whether hemophilia is considered a disability or not.
Learn what is Thalassemia and its types. Thalassemia Major can be a disability as it can severely hamper a person’s life. Thalassemia minor occurs with minor symptoms.
Learn what is sickle cell disease as a disability. Also know whether a sickle cell anemia patient can get disability benefits.
Acid attack survivors in India get disability benefits under RPWD Act 2016. This includes reservation in government jobs. Number of acid attack victims is on the rise in India.
Learn about Muscular Dystrophy (MD) as a disability and genetic disorder. We also explain the meaning, symptoms, causes, treatment and types of MD.
Learn all the basic information about Cerebral Palsy; including meaning, types, ICD-10 codes, causes and treatment of Cerebral Palsy.
This article talks about the meaning of Multiple Disabilities along with some examples. We also briefly look at some useful tips for parents of children with Multiple Disabilities.
Let’s learn the meaning and definition of Locomotor Disability, along with its examples and causes. This article will help you in understanding the term that you might have come across while filling up forms or reading help material.
Learn about what is post polio syndrome (PPS) and why it happens. We give you tips for managing PPS as there is no diagnosis or treatment available for PPS.