It is beneficial to learn sign language even if you are a hearing person. Learn reasons why you should at least learn fingerspelling.
Category: Disability Information
ADIP Scheme: Meaning and Eligibility for Disability Aid Categories
Learn the meaning and mission of the ADIP Scheme (full form: Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/ Appliances).

Total Permanent Disability: Definition, Qualifications, and Implications
Learn what is Total Permanent Disability (TPD). We discuss the definition of TPD and also what qualifies as TPD in context of employment and insurance.
Differences Between Orthosis and Prosthesis
Learn the key differences between orthosis and prosthesis; including types, material used, functions, fitting and conditions addressed.
What do blind people see?
Many people wonder what, if anything, do blind people see. Some people think they “see” darkness. We explain the answer in details.

Support Groups: Importance and Benefits
The biggest benefit of a support group is that it lets you know that you’re not alone. Such groups are important for dealing with difficulties in life.

Cerebral Palsy and Reproductive Health
Can Cerebral Palsy (CP) affected people have physical intimacy? Can they reproduce and give birth to a child? Can CP be transferred to the child? Get the answers here.

Muscular Dystrophy and Reproductive Health
Can muscular dystrophy (MD) affected people have physical intimacy? Can they reproduce and give birth to a child? Can muscular dystrophy be transferred to the child? Here are the answers to these questions.

Polio and Reproductive Health
Get answers to frequently asked questions like can polio affected people have physical intimacy? Can they reproduce and give birth to a child? Can polio be transferred to the child?

Dynamic or Active Sitting: Importance For Wheelchair Users
Dynamic sitting or active sitting involves keep changing your posture and make muscles move periodically as you sit for prolonged hours.

Most Common Signs of Approaching Mental Illness
It may be easier to avoid mental illnesses if you know these signs of potential mental illness. You should keep an eye on these symptoms for your near and dear ones.

Parenting Tips for Parents of Child with Special Needs
Disability can make a child struggle much more than their siblings. Here are some important parenting tips for the parents of children with special needs.

Top Dating Websites for the Disabled Persons
Here’s a list of top dating websites for persons with disabilities. Finding a date or partner and getting into a relationship is sometimes a challenge for the disabled people.

Top Breeds of Service Dogs for Persons with Disabilities
List of the best breeds of dogs that can be used as service dogs for persons with various disabilities and those who need emotional support.

Child is Poor in Studies? Disability May be the Reason
Learn the probable reasons why your child might not be doing good in school. Developmental or learning disabilities could well be the causes.

Ableism: Definition, Meaning, Origin and Examples of an Ableist Society
Learn the definition, meaning and concept of ableism. We present the examples of ableism faced by disabled people in an ableist society.

Students with Disabilities: Most Common Barriers and Difficulties
This article discusses the common difficulties, including barriers, faced by students with various types of disabilities.

Is Epilepsy Considered as a Disability?
Learn if epilepsy is categorized as a disability in countries like USA, UK, India, Canada and whether disability certificate and benefits are provided to the affected people.

Effects of Physical Disability on Mental Health
A physical disability can cause mental health issues especially if the society mistreat the person and mental healthcare is not accessible.

Social Stigma around Vitiligo
Learn about the social stigma attached to Vitiligo or leucoderma. We discuss its impact on the life and psychology of the individual.

Why do Blind People Wear Dark Sunglasses Even Though They Can’t See?
Learn reasons behind why blind people wear black or dark sunglasses. These glasses offer protection from bright light and things like dirt.