List of some of the rarest diseases and syndromes in the world. We also explain the definition of a rare disease in various countries.

List of some of the rarest diseases and syndromes in the world. We also explain the definition of a rare disease in various countries.
Understand the meaning of and differences between the terms disease, syndrome, disorder and condition in medical context.
Vitiligo is the skin condition characterized by loss of skin color in patches. Let’s learn about types, symptoms, causes and treatment of vitiligo.
Is it regular forgetfulness or early signs of Alzheimer’s disease? It is important to tell general forgetfulness apart from Alzheimer’s.
Learn the differences between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in terms of symptoms, treatment and nomenclature.
Learn about myths commonly associated with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We also bust these myths and tell you the facts and reality.
Important facts about Multiple Sclerosis (MS), its meaning, diagnosis, causes, symptoms, treatment and cure.
Pooja Priyamvada writes about her life and experience with the pain caused by fibromyalgia – an invisible disability.
All about Chronic Neurological Conditions as disability under RPWD Act 2016. Also, know examples of such conditions and how to get disability certificate.
Learn all about Parkinson’s disease and what its meaning and symptoms. Also learn how to avail the disability certificate / benefits for the affected persons
Learn about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and its causes. In most developed countries MS is treated as a disability and one can claim benefits if MS is in advanced stages.
Learn about hemophilia and it’s types A, B and C. We also explain the genetics of hemophilia and whether hemophilia is considered a disability or not.
Learn what is Thalassemia and its types. Thalassemia Major can be a disability as it can severely hamper a person’s life. Thalassemia minor occurs with minor symptoms.
Learn what is sickle cell disease as a disability. Also know whether a sickle cell anemia patient can get disability benefits.
Learn about Muscular Dystrophy (MD) as a disability and genetic disorder. We also explain the meaning, symptoms, causes, treatment and types of MD.
Learn about Dwarfism criteria, certificate, causes, disability, etiquette, famous dwarf people, meaning of dwarfism in Hindi and other related information.
Learn all the basic information about Cerebral Palsy; including meaning, types, ICD-10 codes, causes and treatment of Cerebral Palsy.