Learn the meaning of stress and get helpful tips on how to reduce stress. As we live a stressful lifestyle and we must learn stress management.

Learn the meaning of stress and get helpful tips on how to reduce stress. As we live a stressful lifestyle and we must learn stress management.
Here is the list of countries that provide menstrual leave by law. Corporate sector fare better than governments in caring for women employees.
Learn how India is faring in providing menstrual leave. The policy in government, public and private sectors is not really clear but there are a few exceptions.
Learn what is menstrual leave and what are the arguments for and against adopting menstrual leave policy at workplace.
Learn the definition, meaning, symptoms and diagnosis of childhood depression. Children too may feel depressed but the good thing is that depression is treatable ailment.
Learn the difference between sadness and depression. Often people confuse between being sad with feeling depressed.
People in depressed state of mind often wonder what to do when feeling depressed. Here learn a few tips on how to deal with depression.
Full form of MTP is Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Abortion is legal in India and is governed by the MTP Act 1971. Learn who can perform MTP and where.
Learn what exactly is Blood Pressure and how it is measured. Also get the blood pressure chart for adults and children showing the normal, high and low ranges of BP.
Know about the causes symbolized by the purple awareness ribbon. Also learn about the lavender, periwinkle and violet ribbons.
Learn facts about normal human body temperature in babies, children and adults. Thermometer reading above 36.8°C (98.24°F) may indicate high fever.
Learn what is Body Mass Index and its definition. In this article we will also explain the importance and classification of BMI value as underweight, normal, overweight or obese.