Being disabled, we are not fooled by any outer appearance. It allows us to not waste energy on pretending to be perfect. Thus, we are a step ahead of others as we focus on other things that really matters for our dignified survival.

Being disabled, we are not fooled by any outer appearance. It allows us to not waste energy on pretending to be perfect. Thus, we are a step ahead of others as we focus on other things that really matters for our dignified survival.
Taragini says that it is better to ignore a judging society and live a life as full as possible. It’s up to you if you want to be a disabled person or a person with disability.
Ritesh Jawade is sharing his personal story and telling us how a wrong decision at the time of his birth caused him to be a cerebral palsy survivor.
Ritesh Jawade, a Cerebral Palsy survivor, is sharing his views on how Indian society discriminates against persons with disabilities and how it is difficult for them to find romantic love.
Alokita Jigisha is sharing her thoughts on society’s misplaced tendency to brand people with disabilities as either helpless or heroic.
Alokita Jigisha is sharing her thoughts on why using wheelchair is a better choice if you’re struggling to walks with crutches or walker.
Pooja Priyamvada is sharing her experiences as she lives with a painful condition with no cure, called fibromyalgia.
Sienna Fisher is sharing her experience and views on how virtual reality can be useful for persons with disabilities.
Learn the advantages of hiring employees with disabilities. Persons with disabilities can bring a lot of benefits to your business if you provide them suitable jobs.
A girl with disability should be careful of people who could emotionally exploit her. Parents have to play a special role in supporting their young daughters who may be emotionally fragile due to their disability.
The right to be an ordinary person is one of the most basic right that persons with disability need. But terms like Divyang Jan robs us of the status of being human. To begin with everybody is an ordinary person. Achievements may or may not come later. Irrespective of their achievements, everybody should be given respect and love.
Indian government use the word divyang for persons with disabilities. Let’s know the meaning of divyangjan and the problems with this word.