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Extra Time Given to Disabled Students for Writing Exams

disabled students extra time
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | February 15, 2019 (Last update: August 28, 2019)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Writing examination could be a challenging task for the persons with disabilities. Those with visual impairment find it difficult to read questions and and write answers. Similarly, persons with locomotor disabilities may also face difficulty in writing exams as well as doing practical exams in labs etc.

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment mandates that disabled students should be provided with extra time during the examination in order to compensate the loss of speed / ability in writing the answers.

A person with benchmark disability can make use of a scribe / readers / lab assistant while giving exams. Scribe is a person who writes answers on behalf of the student. A reader helps in reading the text for the disabled student. A lab assistant is a person who is familiar with the laboratory environment and helps the student in practical exams.

Who is Eligible for Extra Time in Exams?

First of all, the Ministry mandates that the “extra time” should be refereed to as “compensatory time”. Any person with benchmark disability and having limitation in writing exams is allowed to have a scribe/reader/lab assistant.

disabled students extra time

Following people can ask for scribe/reader/lab assistant:

If persons falling in other categories of disabilities require assistance in writing exams, they will have to produce a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a government health care institution. This certificate must state that the authority has examined the condition of the candidate and she is found to be limited in writing exams.

How to Select Scribe/Reader/Lab Asst.?

The student has the option of arranging her own scribe/reader/lab asst. 

The student can also choose to ask the examination body to arrange for  a scribe/reader/lab asst. If this option is chosen by the student, the examination body must ensure that the student be able to meet the scribe/reader/lab asst. at least two days before the exam begins. At this time, the student can decide whether the scribe/reader/lab asst. is suitable for her or not.

Qualification of Scribe/Reader/Lab asst. 

Naturally, the qualification of the scribe/reader/lab asst. must be less than the requirement to take the examination in question. If the student selects her own scribe/reader/lab asst. then she will have to give an undertaking with all the details of the scribe/reader/lab asst. 

How Many Scribes/Readers/Lab Asst. Are Allowed?

One scribe/reader/lab asst. is allowed per subject. However, separate scribe/reader/lab asst. will be allowed for exams in different languages.

Disability Certificate Required for Availing the Facility of Scribe/reader/lab asst. 

As we all know, disability certificate issued in one state is not generally accepted in the other state. But in case of availing the facility of scribe/reader/lab asst. disability certificate or UDID Card issued anywhere in India will be accepted.

How much Extra Time is Given to Students with Disabilities?

For students availing the facility of scribe/reader/lab asst., a minimum of 20 minutes per hour of examination is provided as compensatory time.

To those who are not availing scribe/reader/lab asst., one hour per three hour of examination is provided as compensatory time. For exams of lesser duration, compensatory time will be given on pro-rata basis. 

Other Facilities

The Ministry mandates that the,

  • examination center should be on ground floor, as far as possible
  • examination center should be accessible for the persons with disabilities
  • As far as possible, alternative mode of taking exam should be provided (for example, using Braille, computer, large text, E-Text etc.)
  • Personal laptop/computer is not allowed during the exam but customized keyboard/mouse/joystick may be allowed.

If you have any more information / questions related to additional time given to the disabled persons, please share your thoughts in the comments area. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!

Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"Extra Time Given to Disabled Students for Writing Exams." Web. March 7, 2025. <>, "Extra Time Given to Disabled Students for Writing Exams." Accessed March 7, 2025.

"Extra Time Given to Disabled Students for Writing Exams." (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from


20 responses to “Extra Time Given to Disabled Students for Writing Exams”

  1. Sachit Kumar says:


    The information you have provided here is very good. I am father of Son, who is having Achondroplasia short stature. His disability is 84% .

    Let me know how I can apply for UDID Card. Where I should approach for his UDID Card?


  2. Dharm veer says:

    Sir, if the candidate choose the option of taking scribe — then would it means only extra time or only assistant/reader or both. Sir please reply.

    • Savitha says:

      Sir after writing the exam will our child get same report card or a separate one?

      • Dharmendra says:

        Facility of scribe and compensatory time have nothing to do with marksheet. This is just to facilitate the candidate to take the examination. Hence, marksheet will be common and will have no reference to scribe and compensatory time.

  3. Janshi Jangid says:

    Need extra time in board exam format

  4. Sunita Arora says:

    My son is visually impaired. How can we arrange scribe for him in school as well as in board exam? How can we get UDID card?

  5. Geeta says:

    Sir, can visually impaired write FRM exams?

  6. Deepa Rajeev says:

    Specific Learning disability is permanent in nature. Why are students who have done assessment in Grade 9 and 11 again forced to take reports in Grade 10 and 12 respectively? It’s a financial burden to many middle class and BPL parents

  7. NilanjanaPalroy says:

    My child is mentally challenged student he will appear on madhyamik examination on 2023, writer needed during exam it can be provided by board? Please answer. Who will arrange writer?

  8. Dharmendra says:

    1. You can request to school or bring own scribe
    2. For UDID, surch ‘unique disability ID’ on google and apply online for the same.

  9. Ashwani says:

    My Child has a locomotor disability of 80% and above. He has to appear in a competitive exam which has online mode. The exam also has sectional time limit. How will the supplementary time be allotted for different sections. Thanks

  10. Sampath says:

    My daughter is going to appear for 10th Board exam. but unfortunately now she is suffering from writers cramp which affects her both hands so she is unable to write. Is CBSE allowing scribe for WRITERS CRAMP?

  11. Paul says:

    We have CP student in our school he is studying in grade 7. He cannot speak, walk or write but he understands really well. Here in our school, we convert the questions into MCQ and he marks them with the help of assistant (a teacher who reads the question to him and he indicates the right option) and he gains around 60 to 80 marks. What preparations should we do before he reaches 10th?

    • Samyak Lalit Samyak Lalit says:

      Hi Pual, your school’s dedication towards the CP student is commendable. You should approach the Board where the student will appear for 10th exams. Ask them if they can assess the student with MCQ — if not, you should go to higher authorities to present your case.

  12. Rajish says:

    Sir, I am a person with benchmark disability-45% in Intellectual Disability (Mental Illness). Am I eligible to avail compensatory time in Competitive Examinations like IBPS, SSC atc. I will be attending the exam without scribe. Pls reply sir.
    Rajish D

  13. Nivedita says:

    Sir I am second puc student with locomotor disability I am writing exam in exnal. So extra time will be there for me or not?

  14. Dhawal Gangrade says:

    Sir my son crl 236 in PWD quota,15% disability certificate having writting problem he can get admission in IIT he wants machanical or electrical branch
    Sir please reply if possible we are worried for him

  15. Rouf bhat says:

    Sir my daughter suffering cp and student in 10th class her writting is ok but math subject is very weak.can some relaxation in exam bord those students.

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