It is a well know fact that in India marriage between disabled and able-bodied persons is not encouraged. Disabled persons are expected to marry other disabled persons. Arranged marriages are quite prevalent in India. And often matches for disabled people are often made only with a person with disability. This trend is a huge hurdle in the path of inclusion of disabled people in the mainstream.
To get around this problem, the Government of India and various state governments provide monetary incentive to the couple — if one of whom is a disabled person. The idea is to encourage able-bodied people to get into wedlock with persons with disabilities. Today we will look at what compensation various state governments are providing.
Recently created state of Telangana provides probably the highest incentive for marrying a disabled persons. The government give Rs. 1,00,000 to the couple.
Odisha state government offers Rs. 50,000 to a state resident if s/he choose to marry a disabled person.
Like Odisha, the state government of Maharashtra also provides Rs. 50,000 to a newly married couple if one of the married partners is disabled.
To avail the monetary incentive the disabled persons must have benchmark disability. That is to say that s/he must have at least 40% certified disability.
Some of the people, however, raise doubts over this scheme. Their contention is that such schemes may encourage able-bodied individuals to marry financially independent disabled people just to get the incentive.
While such arguments could certainly be true in some cases, we believe that it is a good idea to provide some financial assistance to the newly married couple. Disability may hamper one’s ability to earn. A little bit of financial assistance can provide a jump start to the new family.
Please provide us more information on the kind of assistance provided by your state’s government to such couples. We will add the information to this article for the benefit of our readers. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!
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"Incentive for Marrying a Disabled Person in India." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "Incentive for Marrying a Disabled Person in India." Accessed March 26, 2025.
"Incentive for Marrying a Disabled Person in India." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Hello Sir,
I am Physically Challenged Person with both lower limbs (64%)
I just Married to a girl who is physically fit. I live in Delhi, Can We apply for the Matrimonial incentive. If yes than how. Please guide me.
Mohammad Aamir Khan
Hello Lalit,
Your post are very informative, keep it up dated. Being myself a disabled i do understand what are and what may be required for smooth running of life for such persons. Though in job, living in a big city, having approach and utilized most of the facilities provided to PWD, I have never been useful to mass like. Recently an order has been passed on 26.11.2018 by Court of CPWD to NHAI asking them to make necessary arrangements to educate officials/staff at Toll Plazas, for not charging the Toll Fee, which exempted for a Vehicle Designed / modified for a disabled person, in response to my complaint in January 2018, for paying the Toll Fee even after providing the staff at Toll the NAHI order for exemption.
You can add this information of free toll in your blogs so that people are benefited. keep updating the available information and rules mend for the benefit of Disabled person.
All the best
Hello Sir,
I am Physically Handicapped Person with both lower limbs (85%)
I Married to a girl who is physically fit in 3rd June 2013. I live in Karwar,Karnataka , Can We apply for the Marriage incentive. If yes than how. Please guide me.
Prashant Kankonkar
Wailwada,Karwar, Karwarnatak
Mobile No 8007013868 or 8762098514
Hello Sir,
I am Physically Challenged Person with both lower limbs (75%)
I am hearing disability 75%
Please kindly give any girl to marry to me
I am Hindu (Marathi Language)
please kindly contact to my father 9010525984
yours truly
G Rakesh Kumar
Dear M A Saad,
I am unaware that a disabled persons vehicle or a vehicle modified for him is exempted from paying toll. would request you to share a copy of the NHAI notification.
Hello sir,
I am a handicap with one leg with polio. Got married on the year 2015. Till now not received any incentive money from the government. How to avail that please guide me.
With regards
Rachana Prusty
I am very much delighted to find this group for connecting to other people with special need/Disabilities
Also glad to hear that some of they were able to find life changing life partner, Congratulation to all who found a partner and got married. Now those who got married can become raw model to help other who are in need for a life partner.
I have a Male Family member who has Cerebral Paly and Power Wheel Chair bound with enough resources. some day I wanted to find a good/honest/caring female life partner.