On my Dashamlav YouTube channel, I am often asked whether one-eyed person is considered blind or not. People with one good eye want to know if they fall in the list of disabilities and if they can apply for a disability certificate or UDID Card.
If a person is blind only in one and the other eye is sighted, then the percentage of disability is considered to be 30%. Therefore, a one-eyed person can certainly apply for a disability certificate but she will get a certificate showing disability as 30%. In India, the benchmark for disability has been set at 40% — that is to say that 40% or above impairment is seen as a handicap. All the government schemes and benefits for persons with disabilities are given only to those who have 40% or above disability.
A one-eyed person is issued with a certificate showing 30% disability when vision in better eye is between 6/6 and 6/18. The vision in worse eye has to be less than 3/60 with no light perception.
Therefore, although one-eyed people can get disability certificate but it will not be of much use. Such a certificate will not provide for reservation in government jobs.
Loss of one eye does not qualify as blindness or low vision types of disabilities.
Loss of one eye, however, does not constitute disqualification on medical grounds in job vacancies. This is true unless a particular post is of such a technical nature that it requires of a person to have the coordinated use of both eyes or three dimensional vision.
If you have any more information on this topic, please share it in the comments section. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, I welcome them too!
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"Is One-eyed Person Considered Physically Handicapped?." Wecapable.com. Web. March 14, 2025. <https://wecapable.com/one-eyed-person-disabled-handicapped-certificate/>
Wecapable.com, "Is One-eyed Person Considered Physically Handicapped?." Accessed March 14, 2025. https://wecapable.com/one-eyed-person-disabled-handicapped-certificate/
"Is One-eyed Person Considered Physically Handicapped?." (n.d.). Wecapable.com. Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://wecapable.com/one-eyed-person-disabled-handicapped-certificate/
I am having problems of squint eyes affecting mainly to my right side eye. Whether I can get get disability certificate that can be used for income tax deductions
I applied for disability certificate but after the process, I get certificate with 36% disability. Sir, his one eye has very little vision and another eye also has short-sightedness. Sir, the certificate has a validity of 1 year and I am not satisfied with the disability percentage written in the certificate. So, I want to further apply for the same. Sir, your good self is thus requested to tell me in how much time period he can again apply for the certificate. Please tell procedure for this.
Life’s been very cruel to me. I want to become a researcher and a Scientist.
I am blind in right eye and have been diagnosed with mild dyslexia, mild dysgraphia, mild dyscalculia, and some other learning disabilities at the age of 18.
What will be my total disability percentage ? Will i get disability benefits in studies and exams or am i just unlucky as always been ?
My LDs were severe when i was a child so i was called as lazy, dumb, stupid and said you just don’t work hard enough. All this also affected my self esteem.
Relatable ❤️
I am having a problem with my right eye i.e.( -9) vision power and I wear a lens. While my left eye is normal.
so in which category do you think I fit ? (normal person or handicap).
Sir, I have just one eye or help me to see the world but my other one it’s damage totally when I was 5yr old so I can see only one eye Although my right eye is slowly weak I wearing spectacle which number comes in -3.21 so can I get 40% in PWD certificates I can’t aee my correct like 6/6 so im confuse that I should get 40% or not please tell me !
I applied for disability certificate but after the process, I get certificate with 30% disability. Sir, his one eye has very little vision and another eye also has short-sightedness. Sir, the certificate has a validity of 1 year and I am not satisfied with the disability percentage written in the certificate. So, I want to further apply for the same. Sir, your good self is thus requested to tell me in how much time period he can again apply for the certificate. Please tell procedure for this.
I have a disability certificate with 30% visually impaired as I lost my one eye in accident. Though I have got the certificate but it’s of no use and has zero benefits.
As an engineer even after enough of knowledge, couldn’t place myself due to disability limitations. Practically it’s very difficult to dilute with the career race along with normal people with no disability. So I feel current guidelines for visually impaired people with blindness in one eye should be reviewed.
Government should consider 30% disability as a PH
Or one eyed person should be considered as 40% disability and should be considered as a PH in govt jobs
Yes, you are right. Government must give 40% disability to one eyed person. 😔
Due to car Accident I lost vision in left eye completely . My right eye vision is 6/6 . I have applied for handicap certificate but don’t know for what reason my application is rejected . According to the Vision Matrix table I come up with 30% handicap . Then why application is rejected ??
Can anyone help…..
Blind by birth in left eye and right eye has -2.45 but still didn’t get certificate
Hello sir….
Actually i too have the same problem sir….Blind by birth in left eye and right eye has -5.5 but still didnot getting the certificate.
Is there any other way of chance sir….
Sir, Anyone please help me on this matter. I selected as a Management Trainee (Finance & Accounts) in Coal India. But they declared me as Medically Unfit because I don’t have vision of my right eye. I lost my vision at the age of 7 due to accident. I am already working as a Accounts officer in BSNL. Is the rejection done by coal India is valid. Presently I have 30 percent of disability. Can anyone help me what to do now?
Sir I have one-eyed vision. Through medical notices I observed that some posts need a good binocular vision and in some cases, they are stating 6/6 vision in eye and 6/12 in the other to stand medically fit. I’m entirely clueless about whether I stand fit or not as. Please guide me by replying me through email regarding this query . I shall be grateful to you.
Sir,can you please tell me more about what to do, because my right one eye had damaged and am still continuing with my education. I’ve decided to be politician, will I be allowed to participating in any event concern about my career because I worry about that as to be my disqualification in my life and in humanity, but indeed I am capable and intelligent guy.
Sir please assist me. I have a problem with one eye. It is not working at all. I want to know the process for that certificate. I don’t know if I qualify or not. does that certificate have benefits. I am a teacher by qualifications.
When one out of 2 parts in the body ( whether eye, ear, legs and hands) is not working then why it is not considered in 50%?
Loss of one eye, however, does not constitute disqualification on medical grounds in job vacancies. This is true unless a particular post is of such a technical nature that it requires of a person to have the coordinated use of both eyes or three dimensional vision.
Sir in which law by indian govt guidelines its mentioned because it will help many peoples.
I’m 22 and have an amblyopia (Lazy Eye). Can I apply for visually impaired/handicapped certificate.
Kindly, suggest me if i can or can’t apply.
I was born with a cataract on my right eye and a normal left eye, although my left eye is slightly nearsighted with a slight astigmatism. The vision in my left eye could be corrected with lenses to nearly normal ( 20/30). With out wearing glasses it was 20/40. So, the left eye provided me adequate (if not completely normal) vision. As a functional one eyed person, I would like to share that I have not considered myself handicapped at all. There is nothing that I have ever tried that I can not do. I would not want government aid, nor do I feel I need it. I do not consider myself handicapped. For example, I can ride jumping horses, land my father’s airplane, play tennis well enough to have made the tennis team in college. I am a working Registered Nurse, and I have completed a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree as well as my R.N. Liscense.
The bottom line here is that one eyed vision does not automatically have to thought of as “half blind”.
Beverly Templeton
Such a inspirational story. We both have maximum similarities (RE- EXOTROPIA, LE-MYOPIA) .And Now I am doing my master degree. I have a curiosity to directly talk to you.
If you also interested then contact through my E-mail.
Sir without reservation to government job mil sakta hai apny mehnat se 30 percent blind person ko
He has a slant in his right eye and that eye has become lazy due to lack of use since childhood so if he can’t see properly will he get the certificate for some reason to show some eye defect to government job again?
I applied for PWD ID with left eye no vision and right eye implanted lens.
My application denied because i am a senior at the same time.
Is this right?
My has no power in her left eye and Lasik has been done on right eye around 15 year ago.
Presently his right eye power is -6 and hole in retina .She has 30% disability certificate Doctor said that any time you loss your vision. Is this situation comes under disability of 40% and above
Sir my one eye is not there. how much %age should I get in PH certificate? Can you please tell me sir?
I met an accident at age of 10 due to blasting of a cold drink glass bottle. A piece of glass went inside my right eye. I completed my B.tech in electrical engineering, now I want to become Junior Engineer, but now I’m scared that I might be disqualified in the medical. Please someone help me!
depend on other eye if other eye is normal then 30%
Had an accident two years out of high school I’m 60 now foreign body landed in the retinal wall through the iris and sealed itself stayed perfect for 5 years been blind for many at this point. I’m a contractor 60 years old and I would benefit from the change to 40%. If you need help that is blue collar workers or hard to come by nowadays!
This is not fair, my left eye is blind, only to get 30% . By applying job 40% disability is need, am very disappointed, I can’t understand why ? There is no use of my blind eye .
I request govt to give benefits of disability to single eye persons , because we are not eligible to more jobs.
Hi if there is a criteria for disability then why are jobs refusing candidates who are not considered visually impaired by the law yet have no full vision and struggle getting jobs of their choice ? Will the law provide a certificate saying the person has no disability enthough visually impaired and may be given equal opportunities at work place …..like flying (being a pilot)? Or in the defence ?