Evara Foundation leads the legal measures in Supreme Court for ensuring the COVID-19 Vaccination at Home for Persons with Disabilities.

Evara Foundation leads the legal measures in Supreme Court for ensuring the COVID-19 Vaccination at Home for Persons with Disabilities.
Details of the monthly disability pension amounts given by various state governments in India. Let’s find the lowest and highest pension amounts.
Learn ADA regulations for Service Animals. These animals should be accompanied by their handlers and they are allowed in restaurants even with no-pets policy.
The Supreme Court of India has ordered that the Persons with Disabilities must get reservation in promotion. Learn what it means.
Learn how employers are supposed to act in order to be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with respect to the employees with disabilities.
View the PDF files of the disability laws and acts in all the countries around the world. These documents are also helpful in comparing disability laws.
Learn about the disability related amendments made in the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 in India.
Learn the meaning of invalid carriage and adapted vehicle. Modified vehicles of people with disabilities need this tag for getting driving license and free fastag.
Learn how to get free fastag for handicapped people. It is easy for disabled persons with Invalid Carriage to get exempted fastag for toll plazas.
Nidhi Agrawal summarizes salient disability related features of New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 enacted by India to give students with disabilities their rights.
The Supreme Court of India has declared that Persons with Disabilities are also socially backward and they should be given benefits same as SC/ST candidates, Nidhi Agarwal reports.
Learn about the extent of punishment for acid attack perpetrators under Indian Penal Code (IPC). Both male and female acid attack victims are protected under IPC.
Learn how to get disability certificate in Delhi. Here is the updated list of all the hospitals in Delhi which provide disability certificate for RPWD Act disabilities.
Learn what’s there in the Congress, BJP and CPM manifestos for persons with disabilities. Various political parties have promised many things for PwDs.
Learn what the Election Commission of India says about deployment of physically challenged persons on election duty. Learn the rights of PwD in such cases.
Petitioned by Arman Ali, the Gauhati High Court ordered that private entities also need to provide accessible locations and services for disabled people.
Learn all about the extra time given to disabled students during the examination. Additional or compensatory time is allowed to the blind students, candidates with locomotor disability and others.
Various states in India provide monetary incentive to the people who marry a disabled person. Let’s find out amount given by different states.
Are you a person with benchmark disability? Let’s learn the meaning of benchmark disability and the list of conditions that come under it.
Learn the salient features of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD) or the Divyangjan Adhikaar Kanoon 2016 in Hindi language.
Government has increased the compensation given to the victims of road accidents. Know about the revised amount and the option of getting even higher amount in damages.