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RPWD Act 2016: Summary and Overview [with Infographic]

children affected by polio
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | October 25, 2017 (Last update: September 4, 2023)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act, also known as Divyangjan Adhikaar Kanoon 2016 in Hindi) came into existence after a long wait. India took a long time to fulfill its obligation to the UNCRPD. The draft bill for this Act was presented in the parliament in 2011. It took five years for the bill to take shape of an Act. Because this Act is very important for persons with disabilities (or Divyangjan, as the disabled people are now called) in India, here we are presenting concise information on it. We have also produced an infographic on RPWD Act 2016. We hope that these important points will help you to quickly understand the Act.

Infographic on RPWD Act 2016

Title: Overview of Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016
Date produced: 25 October 2017
Produced by:
Designed by: Lalit Kumar
License: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA) Feel free to use this infographic (please provide a link to

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Overview of Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 Infographic
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Summary of RPWD Act 2016

Summary of RPWD Act 2016 is also available in sign language.

Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act) was enacted by the Rajya Sabha on 14 December 2016 and by the Lok Sabha on 17 December 2016. This Act came into force on 30 December 2016. RPWD 2016 replaces the ages old Persons with Disabilities Act 1995.

World has moved forward by leaps and bounds since 1995. PWD Act should have been upgraded long back. But better late than never!

Read about RPWD Act in Hindi Language

The most important point in RPWD Act 2016 is that the number of recognized disability conditions has been increased from 7 to 21. The new list of recognized disabilities include three blood disorders (Thalassemia, Hemophilia and Sickle Cell disease) and acid attack survivors have also been included in the list. Intellectual disability, Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy, Dwarfism and Autistic Spectrum disorders also find place in the list. This inclusion will help more people to have access to the government schemes and facilities intended for the welfare of disabled people in India.

The RPWD Act 2016 also provides for creating institutional infrastructure to support the needs of persons with disabilities. Setting up of Special Courts in each district has been mandated. These courts will handle the cases related to the violation of rights of disabled people. In addition, State Governments will setup district-level committees and a separate State Fund for the welfare of PwDs. Similarly, a national level fund will also be set up.

For children with disabilities aged between 6 and 18 years; education will be free. In an attempt to eliminate discrimination, punishment by imprisonment has been mandated for those who intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate a person with a disability in any place within public view.

Overview of RPWD Act 2016

RPWD Act 2016 addresses some of the long standing demands of the Indian persons with disabilities. Inclusion of more conditions in disability list, free education for disabled children, framework for supporting institutional and social infrastructure, making accessible environment and provisions of punishment for violation of RPWD Act are very important. According to us, however, the Act is still inadequate in addressing problems of disabled people. Although we consider RPWD Act 2016 as a good beginning — the real benefit of the Act would be possible only if this Act could be implemented in its word and spirit.

We request you to share with us your opinion regarding RPWD Act 2016. The comments section is given below. Today’s constructive discussion on the matters related with disability can pave the way for the future betterment. Thank you for using WeCapable!

Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"RPWD Act 2016: Summary and Overview [with Infographic]." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "RPWD Act 2016: Summary and Overview [with Infographic]." Accessed March 26, 2025.

"RPWD Act 2016: Summary and Overview [with Infographic]." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from


33 responses to “RPWD Act 2016: Summary and Overview [with Infographic]”

  1. Sanjay Gurung says:

    Namaskar Sir, I Sanjay Gurung, leaving Guwahati, Assam. I have two boy children. But 1st boy, 09 years old, is suffering with Autism Spectrum Disorder since birth. Doctors certify 90% disability. We have been already taken treatment since last 04 yrs and got failure from all side. Now we are thinking about his future. How to secure his life as after our death nobody is there to look after him. Please give me any suggestion of any life policy insurance scheme etc. for his better future.

    • Abhra Mukherjee says:

      Visit the National Trust website, apply for Legal Guardianship and also you can see various insurance policies therein.

  2. Sangeeta Gupta says:

    wonderful infographics, please create some more

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      Thank you Sangeeta ji. Let me know if there is any specific topic on which you want to me to develop an infographic. I would love to do that.

      • Aishwarya Nandita says:

        You are a truly inspiring person. It’s a great initiative started by you. I am a student from Odisha pursuing my post graduation in Social Work. I am studying on disability, your articles are really helpful. Please make more of such infografic on all acts in India and international for PwD and the history of Disability Right Movement in India.

      • Abhishek singh says:

        Sir, my pwd certificate made on old pwd act 1995.. For low vision only… Of Permanent disability..
        Sir could you tell me, is my certificate invalid in context to new pwd act ?
        Should I have to apply again ?? Please sir, I searched and asked everyone but can’t get information on this anywhere….

  3. Nagarathna G says:

    hii i am a mother of an autistic child. plz share more information on autism spectrum order and the entitlements for the citizens on the spectrum from the government.

  4. k says:

    disability certificate in the prescribed format issued by the competent authority as prescribed in the RPWD Act. 2016

    what does this mean. where can we get the format. please help.

  5. Priyanka Goswami says:

    Hi…..the information given in your site is really helpful…..very precise and useful….look forward to more updates.

    • Turinimana Ezechiel says:

      Hi, I am in Rwanda.

      This Act entitled Right of People with Disabilities Act 2016 is more helpful. I am very happy where it said that education of disabled children aged between 6 and 18 is free. And also where it’s saying that whoever abuses PWD publicly will be punished. Those will protect PWD.

      Thanks for your commitment and you can make an advocacy for global help.

  6. Neeraj says:

    My mother is suffering from blindness in both left and right eye. This blindness is due to diabetes. I am taking care for her completely. How can we assess the percentage of disability?

  7. BAPPA says:

    What is the status/ percentage of PwDs and WwDs to total population after RpWD Act, 2016 in force.

  8. Sha says:

    Hi Lalit,

    Excellent Job. God bless You
    Thank you very much and appreciate your efforts to prepare this brief information . Really this information is very precise and useful.

    I do awareness of disability in schools. Hence I require a ppt on types of disabilities with graphics to teach children

  9. V S Shukla says:

    Are Ministry of Dissablity Govt.of India Issued Any G.O.regarding Increase Disability From & to 21,to implement it with Railways,All State Road Transports etc ?

  10. Amit Mishra says:

    Dear Lalitji,

    My self Amit Mishra from uttar pradesh at kanpur district my problem is that I m not received my Udid card . I have already applied for the card online for official web site on dated: 10th June 2019 . I m suffering the muscular dis trophy. Plz help us

    thanks& regards

    Amit Mishra

  11. jyotsna gupta says:

    Namaste Lalit ji,
    salute to your very nice efforts.
    with all best wishes.

  12. jyotsna gupta says:

    sir, do u have NSSO Disability data 2011 infrographic summary.

  13. AbuShahma says:

    Sir, you describe it very clearly and briefly, keep up the good work

  14. Prasad Thorat says:

    Does leaning disability person get concessions other than educational… Eg:- in trains, bus, etc.. Please reply… Need to know.. As less info provided on net🙏🙏

  15. Subramani singh R says:

    Dear Namaste Lalit ji,

    I am deaf n dumb,I am working in BHARAT ELECTRONIC LTD(BEL), I have submitted to HR WELFARE (BEL) for RPWD ACTS 2016 PDF Attachment. They were not accepted this RPWD ACTS 2016. All (BEL) 30 peoples Physical handicapped. Please request to you help me. how to apply for RPWD 2016 summary Company the details..

    Thank You,

    Subramani singh R
    Mobile No:7760824330(SMS ONLY) Using Watsapp

  16. shan chauhan says:

    hi Latit my name shan chauhan I donot know what i do in life. but life pass away and sadly if you any solution in my way so tell me after read my lines and give me solution .

  17. Tikaram Mahto says:


  18. lingaiah chiluka says:

    iam Lingaiah chiluka father of girl who is sufferiing from sickle cell anemia ,I would like apply for disable certificate where to approach to get certificate iam belonging to Telangana state,kindly inform me because my daughter is going to counselling for NIT admission soon and on 27th September she has to give jee advanced exam ,kindly inform
    with regards
    Lingaiah chiluka (8639493158)

  19. Mukesh kumar Gupta says:

    Dear Sir this is to inform you that I Mukesh kumar Gupta sufeering from hearing problems 95 db in right ear 90 db in left ear plz measure my percent of disabilities. Thanks

  20. A K Rawal says:

    Sir, my grand daughter is a Down Syndrome 9 years old child. She is studying in Class III in a regular School. As per various concerned regulations, what should be the System of Evaluation for her in the Tests and Exams? (Because she is not able to cope up with the writing part of the syllabus). Can you please guide.

    Sincere Thanks

  21. Rajesh S says:

    My son has got Borderline Intellectual disability with 25% certificate. Can anyone help me what are the benefits available for these catogory as per indian RPWD act

  22. pawan kumar mittal says:

    Sir, My son aged 16 is suffering from Tourette syndrom. is it a disability as per indian RPWD act ? Please clarify

  23. Alok Dwivedi says:

    Hii sir… I think I’m on somewhere on the spectrum of autism. I also find myself having symptoms of Asperger Syndrome and ADHD, haven’t diagnosed yet. Can you explain to which extent the PwD Reservation is applicable for Autism.

  24. Vishnu says:

    i have pituitary tumor and increased growth hormone i am now 36 years old am i legible for any upsc job in Kerala
    please give me a subjection to prepare for a government job

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