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UDID Registration Form Download for Offline Application

unique disability id (udid) card of a person.
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | November 29, 2017 (Last update: January 25, 2018)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Unique Disability ID (UDID) registrations are now open. If you are a person with disability, you should apply for this registration and get the UDID card. Having the UDID Card will provide you with a number of benefits. We recommend that you apply for UDID online. We have detailed the online application process in one of our articles. However, there might be some people who do not have the Internet access or those who can not use a computer. For such people, offline application can be made for UDID card using a paper registration form.

To make offline application for UDID on a paper form, you need to do the following:

  • First of all, download the UDID registration form
  • Take a print out of the form
  • Fill it up. The form is similar to the online form. Therefore, you can take help from our online registration tutorial in properly filling the form.
  • Attach all the required documents with the form:
    • Your address proof
    • Identity proof
    • Aadhaar card
    • Disability certificate (if you already have one)
    • Passport size photograph
    • Special category certificate (if you are OBC, SC or ST)
  • Submit all these documents and completed application form to the CMO Office/Medical Authority of your area.

After you submit the UDID paper form, authorized agency will digitize all the information in it and upload it in the database. You will receive an Enrollment Number. This Enrollment Number can be used to track the status of your application online.

Please remember that, at present, not all the states are issuing the UDID card. Your application will be processed and you will get your UDID card only after your state will begin to implement the project. Various states are gradually moving towards the implementation.

If you have made an offline application for UDID card using a paper form, please share your tips with us. Your experience can benefit a lot of other persons with disabilities. Thank you for using WeCapable.

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"UDID Registration Form Download for Offline Application." Web. March 29, 2025. <>, "UDID Registration Form Download for Offline Application." Accessed March 29, 2025.

"UDID Registration Form Download for Offline Application." (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from


7 responses to “UDID Registration Form Download for Offline Application”

  1. Abhimanyu Sabato says:

    Of late I have came to know about this UDID card for the persons with Disability. My son is mentally handicapped and his disability as assessed by the Govt. Doctors is 75%. This UDID card would help my child in getting various government benefits.

  2. Abhimanyu Sabato says:

    Dear Lalitji, I am a father of a mentally retarded boy aged 32 years staying in Navi Mumbai. I have understood the procedure for applying for the registration of UDID card but could not be able to down load the reg. form. I request u to kindly to guide me in this regard.
    With Regards,

  3. Pratik waghela says:

    Hello this is pratik waghela, residing at Dahisar.
    I am trying to apply for udid online but there occurs an error in step 4, where i enter my aadhar number.
    Where i have to submit all documents for offline registration of udid ?

  4. SMARAK BISWAL says:

    Yesterday I applied online for disability certificate .But unfortunately I had not recorded ENROLLMENT number. Please do favour in this regard.

  5. RAGHAVENDRA S C says:

    Dear sir I’m visual imaired person having 75percent disability issued by the district hospital and got udid card pls tell me I’m elegible get railway photo I’d card and how to get registration form that’s not in any website I’m from Bangalore division pls help me

  6. Aaqib Shaikh says:

    I live in kandivali. where is medical authority around me?

  7. Ranjit Kumar Sharma says:

    Dear sir I’m hearing impaired person having 90 percent disability issued by the district hospital and got udid card pls tell me I’m elegible get railway photo I’d card and how to get registration form that’s not in any website I’m from Bangalore division pls help me

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