We recently published an article about Section 80U, under which persons with disabilities can claim tax benefits. However, not many people are aware that if they are caring for a dependent disabled person, they too can claim tax benefit under the Section 80DD of the Income Tax Act. Treatment and management of disabling condition of a dependent person can put extra strain on your budget plans. Therefore, it is appropriate for the government to provide tax rebate on such expenses.
But before we talk about Section 80DD, we would highly recommend that you look at the health insurance schemes available for persons with disabilities. Rising costs of healthcare in the country are really worrisome. So, it is very important to properly do financial planning, especially if you have a dependent disabled person.
Now, that it is almost the time to file you income tax return, let’s talk about the rebate available.
Who is Eligible to Get Deduction under Section 80DD?
- Any individual or HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) who has a dependent person with disability is eligible to claim this deduction
- Tax deduction under Section 80DD is not available to NRIs (Non-Resident Individual)
Who will be Considered “Dependent Disabled”?
For the purpose of deduction under Section 80DD, the following relations can be treated as dependent:
- For individuals tax payer, a disabled dependent can be
- Spouse
- Son/daughter
- Parents
- Brother/sister
- For HUFs tax payers, a disabled dependent can be any member of the HUF
What Types of Disabilities are Covered under Section 80DD?
The RPWD Act 2016 is now in force. In this Act, the number of recognized types of disabilities has been been increased to 21.
- Victims of acid attacks have been included in the list of persons with disabilities. Unfortunately, in India, acid attacks have been on the rise in last few years. Girls and women are often left severely disfigured/disabled due to such attacks.
- Dwarfism and Muscular Dystrophy have also been included as separate categories of disability.
- Three blood disorders, Thalassemia, Hemophilia and Sickle Cell disease, have been included in the list of disabilities.
How much Deduction is Available under Section 80DD?
- If the dependent disabled has disability between 40% to 79%, you will be allowed a deduction of Rs. 75,000
- If the dependent disabled has 80% or above disability, the deduction amount is Rs. 1,25,000
What documents are Required to Claim Deduction under Section 80DD?
Following documents are required to claim tax rebate for caring for a dependent disabled person:
- Disability Certificate: issued by the Chief District Medical Officer or a board constituted by a government hospital
- Form 10-IA: If the dependent is affected with Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Multiple Disabilities, you will need to fill the form number 10-IA and get it signed by your doctor. Download Form 10-IA
- Self-declaration: You need to self-declare the expenses you made on the dependent disabled. This would be the amount for which you want the deduction to be made.
- Insurance premium receipts: If you are paying premium for any insurance policy taken in the name of dependent disabled person, you can use these premium receipts as a proof of expense on the dependent disabled person.
If you have any questions on this subject please feel free to ask in the comments section. We will try our best to assist you. Thank you for connecting with WeCapable!
Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography
"Caring for a Disabled Dependent? Claim Tax Rebate under Section 80DD." Wecapable.com. Web. March 3, 2025. <https://wecapable.com/ection-80dd-tax-benefit-disabled-dependent/>
Wecapable.com, "Caring for a Disabled Dependent? Claim Tax Rebate under Section 80DD." Accessed March 3, 2025. https://wecapable.com/ection-80dd-tax-benefit-disabled-dependent/
"Caring for a Disabled Dependent? Claim Tax Rebate under Section 80DD." (n.d.). Wecapable.com. Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://wecapable.com/ection-80dd-tax-benefit-disabled-dependent/
My half brother is deaf and mute and since im the only earner in the family, i take care of all his expenses, including school fees. There isnt any medical expense as such, but regular day to day house hold expenses and studies.
Can i claim this under 80 DD?
What all docs i will need to furbish, if yes?
My Friends Sister is disabled with 80% disability and treatment happening at home. For some expenditure i have bill and some not having the bill, made for the treatment. how can i justify the self declaration. Can i avail a least of Rs.125,000/- or should i require bills for getting deduction. Can you explain this. and about self declaration.
If you’re not lying about any expenses, you don’t need to worry. You can claim exemption.
Dear Mr. Lalit Kumar,
I am a person with physical disabilities, 80%. And I am availing exemption of INR 125000 under 80U.
Unfortunately, I also have twin daughters who are Autistic, with 80% disability.
Can I claim exemption for both of them under 80DD?
The expenses towards their therapy far exceeds 250000 per annum.
Thank you for your guidance.
Udaya Kannan
Can you please upload self declaration certificate format to download.
I’m a married women. I’m taking care of my parents in all aspects (like paying for their house rent, medicines and all other expenses which are required for them). My father is a handicapped person (polio effected) with permanent disability (60%) and he don’t has any income. He is not under any medical treatment except the medicines he take for some other problems.
Can i avail tax benefit under section 80 DD by submitting his handicapped medical certificate and self declaration certificate by me.
My Mother in law is disable and dependent on me. No one is to look after her. Will she fall in the definition of Dependent ? Can I claim exemption u/s 80dd ?
My mother is a brain stroke patient. She is undergoing her physiotherapy due to paralysis. Additionally, she had fluid effusion in lungs and Seizure attack during effusion treatment in the hospital. Can I claim both 80DD rebates? 80DD – Medical Treatment / Insurance of handicapped Dependant for lungs treatment and 80DD – Medical Treatment / Insurance of handicapped Dependant (Severe) for ongoing physiotherapy?
Dear sir, my friends father is a lic agent .his age is 64.his annual income is near about 2,00,000 rs.but he is also a disabled person (40% blindness).As my friends father do not claim under 80U for tax deductions. Then can my friend claim under section 80 DD in respect of his father.
Kindly help me to get the right answer as early as possible
Thanking you