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adjusting height forearmcrutches

Learn How to Walk Safely with Forearm Crutches

Walking with forearm crutches may involve a bit of learning curve. In this article we will learn how to walk with this type of crutches. These tips will enable the first time users to easily and safely use crutches while maintaining body balance.

kalyani khona is the co-founder of Inclov

Kalyani Khona and Story of the Inclov Matrimony App

Kalyani Khona is the co-founder of Inclov mobile app (formerly Wanted Umbrella). This app provides matrimony services for the persons with disabilities and special needs. Here is the story of her achievements.

GST tax rates on Disability Equipment

GST on Disability Equipment

We are presenting a list of disability equipment and GST tax rates applied on them. Know the GST tax rate on products like Braille books, wheelchair, crutches and artificial limbs etc.
