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List of Disabilities Covered Under Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)

A woman wheelchair user at a Delhi Metro station.
Samyak Lalit
Samyak Lalit | May 18, 2018 (Last update: September 4, 2023)

Samyak Lalit is an author and disability rights activist. He is a polio survivor and the founder of projects like Kavita Kosh, Gadya Kosh, TechWelkin, WeCapable, Dashamlav and Viklangta Dot Com. Website:

Many people still feel confused about what types of disabilities are covered under the Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act). We published a full article and an infographic about RPWD Act — but we are still getting queries on what disability conditions are covered under the act. So, we decided to publish another infographic on this matter.

Infographic on List of Disabilities Covered under RPWD Act 2016

Title: Types of Disabilities Covered under the RPWD Act
Date produced: 18 May 2018
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Designed by: Lalit Kumar
License: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA) Feel free to use this infographic without making any changes (please provide a link to

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Overview of Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 Infographic
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Summary of Disabilities Covered under the RPWD Act 2016

Summary of RPWD Act 2016 is also available in sign language.

The number of recognized disability conditions has been increased from 7 to 21 in the RPWD Act 2016. The new list of recognized disabilities include three blood disorders and acid attack survivors have also been included in the list.

Read about Types of Disabilities in Hindi Language

Following are the disability conditions included in the RPWD Act 2016:

  1. Blindness
  2. Low-vision
  3. Leprosy-cured persons
  4. Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing)
  5. Locomotor Disability
  6. Dwarfism
  7. Intellectual Disability
  8. Mental Illness
  9. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  10. Cerebral Palsy
  11. Muscular Dystrophy
  12. Chronic Neurological conditions
  13. Specific Learning Disabilities
  14. Multiple Sclerosis
  15. Speech and Language disability
  16. Thalassemia
  17. Hemophilia
  18. Sickle Cell disease
  19. Multiple Disabilities including deaf-blindness
  20. Acid Attack victim
  21. Parkinson’s disease

The RPWD Act 2016 was enacted by the Indian Parliament to fulfill India’s obligation to the UNCRPD. India had ratified the UNCRPD on 01 October 2007.

Some of these condition are open to interpretation. For example, “chronic neurological condition” does not really define which conditions are covered. Same is the case with “specific learning disabilities”. People affected by such conditions should contact their doctors and ask them if their condition could be covered under the act.

We will try and publish more specific articles on these issues. We also request you to share information from your side. Information sharing is extremely important.

Use the citation below to add this article to your bibliography

"List of Disabilities Covered Under Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)." Web. March 26, 2025. <>, "List of Disabilities Covered Under Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)." Accessed March 26, 2025.

"List of Disabilities Covered Under Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)." (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from


79 responses to “List of Disabilities Covered Under Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)”

  1. sn mohanty says:

    Is major depression comes under mental illness and can I get a disability certificate for this.
    thanking you.
    please acknowledge.

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      No, I don’t think so. Although, depression is indeed a mental illness — but I don’t think it would be considered as a disability. However, if depression is chronic, it may be seen as a disability. You should take the opinion of a qualified psychiatrist.

    • Vijay Oak says:

      The lacuna in the Act is that a person with heart ailment is not included in the definition of person with disability. I think such person ought to be included in the definition.

  2. Vishal yadav says:

    Unable to hear from one of the ear, does it also comes under RPWD 2016?

  3. Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

    Well, Rakesh, it’s a tricky situation. I can think of only two solutions. One, you apply for another certificate and see if the other medical board gives you 40% or more disability. But if your disability is indeed less than 40% then it is better that you apply in General category for jobs where loss of two fingers does not matter.

  4. Himanshu Sharma says:

    Hello Sir,
    I have Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Its a mental illness.
    Is it also considered as a disability according to act?
    From where I can get a complete list of mental illness. I googled it but didn’t find a satisfying answer.

  5. jiten joshi says:

    हॅलो, सर मुझे दोनो कानोंसे सुनाई कम देता है [80% Hearing Loss] मेरे पास सिव्हिल हाॅस्पिटल के द्वारा दि गई Disability Certificate है पर मै गुंगा नही हुं तो क्या मै RPWD 2016 के लिए पात्र हुं?

  6. Sourav says:

    Hello sir, I m deaf and dumb 100 Percent. kya mujhe competitive exams me Writer/helper mil skta h?

  7. VIKRANT KUMAR says:

    Hi sir,
    Is colour blindness a type of disability? I am a colour blind person, I am facing so muny problems, I don’t get selected for the government job. I think it is not any disability.
    Please guide me on it.

  8. Gautam says:

    Hello Sir,
    I’m stammered. am I eligible to apply for PwD certificate? Does it come under speech and language disability?

  9. baljit singh says:

    hip joint replasement preson is a under disability act ?

  10. shiv kumar says:

    I am suffering from writers cramp — as a result I am not be able to write with normal speed. I have problem in signing on cheques and writing in various examinations. Is my disability covered under RPWD act? If yes please name the disability concerned.

  11. selvakumar says:

    borderline personality disorder is under illness

  12. amarjit says:

    hello sir,
    my 14 years son is suffering from congenital heart disease. can he get a disability certificate ? what will be his category from 21 types of disabilities ? please help me .

  13. SHREY SARAF says:

    Hello Sir

    i just want to know as hemophilia is now covered under RPWD ACT 2016 is there any sub category or grade to get PWD certificate under this act .
    like i am hemophilic with moderate factor IX deficiency with does i come under the act to apply for PWD certificate

  14. anjam says:

    dear sir,

    whether nature of disability as temporary will come under RPWD act.

    • Dr. Yogesh Anil Jedhe says:

      Respected Sir, I had hemiplegia 3 year ago and didn’t recovered with finer movements. Does the hemiparesis come under RPWD Act?

      • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

        You may be able to get disability certificate depending on the extent of your condition. Please see the Chief Medical Officer of your district hospital.

  15. Dimple Chainani says:

    My son has disgrahia, discalculia and comprehension dyslexia. DO these categorise under specific learning disabilities?

    • Ravi says:

      yes it is, Following are the disability conditions included in the RPWD Act 2016
      sl no 13 Specific Learning Disabilities

  16. Prabhakar Reddy Yarragunta says:

    Hi Sir,
    Can Paralysis covered under Physically handicapped?
    Please let me know

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      If paralysis is causing issues like problems in movement or mental issues, then the disability certificate may be issued. You should contact the nearest government hospital.

  17. Aniket Patil says:

    Respect sir,
    I am a person with sickle cell disability with more than 40%. Than how and from where i get the person with disability certificate? where we have to apply for it?

  18. Gambhir Singh says:

    Hi Sir,
    I have Parkinson’s Disease, from where i can get the disability certificate. Right now I am living at Bathinda (punjab), but i am from Delhi – NCR.

  19. jashandeep singh says:

    Sir, I have bowed legs, crowded teeth, large head. Am I physically handicapped?

  20. Shivam says:

    Sir, I am having a neurological disease called “Writer’s Cramp” due to which my writing has become illegible and my writing speed has also become very slow…I can’t control movements through a pen…I also feel difficulty in doing other things with my hands as they tremor very often…does this disease come under the disability criteria?

  21. Raja M says:

    Sir, I have bowed legs, crowded teeth, large head. Am I physically handicapped?

    Madras of Association the deaf to All Boy and Girl Deaf

  22. AMARNATH says:

    Dear Sir,

    Is a kidney transplanted person ( renal transplant ) is covered under Disabilities Act 2016 ?

  23. Rakesh says:

    Hi Lalit,

    thanks for your initiatives which is actually helping a lot of people. My query would be if Color Blindness is categorize as disability by Govt ?

  24. Anjali Samal says:

    my husband is diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease- ALS in January 2018 which is a progressive disease with muscle loss, and gradually affected both the upper limbs and lower limbs as well as lost speech 100%.
    Is he eligible for disability certificate ?

  25. shebin says:

    i need disability certificate form for decibel and member board kerala

  26. shebin says:

    i need disability certificate form for decibel and member board kerala.. where download form??

  27. Patricia says:

    I have Fibromalgia. Do I quality?

  28. Armaan says:

    I have my tonsils removed ,will i be considered as handicapped person.

  29. May I know if Cardiovascular diseases in children is considered a disability?

  30. Anantha Padmanabha H N says:

    Is Index finger amputation (complete) of the Right hand who is a right hander a physical disability? If yes what is the percentage?

  31. Frances Mc Faul says:

    My husband has severe arthritis in his arms & legs would he be classed as disability ?

  32. David Paul Velez says:

    What is a disability certificate? Can I get one for Inclusion Chronic Miosistis?

  33. Aparna says:

    Please let me know Acromegaly will come under PWD category as i see in US it is coming .

    If yes , from where to get the certificate ?

  34. Anonymus says:

    Do stammering comes under speech and language disability? Can i get a disability certificate for the same?

  35. sadaa says:

    i have learning disability certificate from Mumbai sion hospital
    but how can doctors measure my disability in percentage becasue it is a mental disability till my college i got concession but the act says learning disability also comes under 21 disabilities with minimum 40 % disability it is not physical so that we can tell it is mentall disability
    plz guide me for my future how can i apply for government exams from any pass regarding travelling etc. am i eligible ?


    Am a patient with post operative status PID-L5-S1 (spine operation) done in 2016 and till date having problem while walking or climbing of staircases etc. Further, now weakness and numbness in left leg, giddiness while climbing of staircases, bedwetting etc. Treatment is being taken. However, no respite. Can I opt for a disability certificate. Kindly advise

  37. Wayne Dapser says:

    Under the current COVID-19 conditions, some US Government offices have established policies that prohibit persons from entering buildings or attending Hearings if, among other conditions , tehy…”- are considered under he Ceneters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guildelines to be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 due to age or underlying conditions.”
    Does this qualify as a conditin that requires accomodation, such as telephionic appearances?

  38. SC says:

    Is Hyperthyroidism or Graves’s Disease considered in disability criteria?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Hello, sir!
    My one leg has permanent screws, rodes, wires and plates inside the foot area.
    And I walk with crutches sticks, so, will it come under PWD category or not? I mean, can I get a disability certificate?

  40. Betty says:

    Hi sirs,
    I’m 65 in Nov.2020. I had emergency surgery July that has left me disabled (SDI) and not working (as an RN for 40 yrs). I have had spinal stenosis for many yrs. with leg, foot pain, imbalance and urgency which I have managed with being younger, injection, PT, exercise etc. I now how bowel urgency from my recent surgery. My FRA is 66+2 mos. Do I fit PWD category or have any chance of SSDI?

  41. prince says:

    can a paitent of hirayama diseases is able to get a pwd certificate?

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      Yes, he may. Hirayama Disease may cause locomotor disability. Please see your doctor in this regard as only a qualified doctor can assess your condition.

  42. Manoj says:

    loosing an eye come under diability or not

  43. Arun vas says:

    SIR, I am type 1 diabetic can i get disability certificate?

  44. Aditya says:

    Hey, I wanted to know that if a person with chronic pancreatitis is eligible for a PWD certificate?

  45. Sahaj chouhan says:

    Can I get disability certificate for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD)?

  46. Manan says:

    Sir I had got disability certificate for hearing for 70% loss and I also have speech problems so will I get disability certificate for speech

  47. Manan says:

    Sir I had got disability certificate for hearing for 70% loss for whole life permanently. but when I went for medical board i got tested and got 50% loss in both. What will happen my old certificate? will it be cancelled or they will issue a new certificate.

  48. Gulshan says:

    I have no ears on both side from by birth neither I can hear properly I had loss of 63db and 65 db in both years so will I eligible for disability certificate.

  49. Sk Azim says:

    Sir, I’m suffering from psoriasis an incurable skin disease which affects both of my hands. Sometimes I couldn’t write using my hand as I feel pain. My skin cells break and bleed. Is this a disability? Can I apply for a disability certificate?

  50. Ispita Sarkar says:

    Hello sir, I’ve choroidal osteoma and I barely see anything with my right eye. Can I get UDID card?

  51. Pranay says:

    Sir i have type 1 diabetes and hashimotos thyroiditis, can i get a pwd certifficate. Please reply sir, its really very urgent!

  52. atul mittal says:

    Is grade 4 filariasis covered under the disability act.

  53. Saurabh says:

    Is Ankylosing Spondylitis a disability? Can I get a disability certificate for the same, as my symptoms are progressing?

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      Ankylosing Spondylitis may give rise to locomotor disability. You should contact the CMO of your district to see if your condition qualifies for disability certificate.

  54. Suvarna says:

    Hello Sir/Madam,
    This is Suvarna 44 years, I’m here to share what I’ve been facing is spondylitis, L4 L5 S1 S2 compression since 14 years. I’m also facing sjogrens syndrome, arthritis and fibromyalgia.
    I can’t sit or stand or walk for long time.
    So just wanted to know if I can get the disability certificate.

    Thanking you
    Suvarna from bangalore.

  55. Dilipkumar Kashyap says:

    I had a heart surgery and have 2 stent in my heart. Difficulties in a daily work or hard work . Can I get a disability Certificate in any of the 21 list? Can I apply under disability in gov job?

  56. Fathima says:

    What all diseases comes under Chronic neurological conditions ?

  57. Manish Kumar says:

    Hello sir I have epilepsy and I am suffering since the age of 17 It’s been 9 years I am still unemployed I try to stay at home most of the time. Is this condition comes under mental illness or neurological disorders? Please suggest something sir

  58. Prisha says:

    Sir my child has been diagnosed with severe separation anxiety disorder. Is she eligible?

  59. Anisha says:

    Is uneven teeth considered under disabilities?

  60. KUMAR says:

    Does one side hypoplasia of limbs (mainly left leg shorter than right leg do come under this act?

  61. prescilla dorathy says:

    does schizophrenia comes under MI, how to get guardianship . pls advice

  62. Ayam Dash says:

    Does eye disability comes under the divyang act? Does ARDM comes under the disabilities act?

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