Learn your calorie consumption as you push / propel your wheelchair. Burning calories is important to lose weight and stay in shape.

Learn your calorie consumption as you push / propel your wheelchair. Burning calories is important to lose weight and stay in shape.
Let’s try to answer who is the most famous disabled person in the world. Is it Stephen Hawking, Helen Keller, Louis Braille or someone else?
List of the best breeds of dogs that can be used as service dogs for persons with various disabilities and those who need emotional support.
Losing weight might seem to be very difficult to wheelchair users. The reason is obvious, lack of physical activity. But can you succeed somehow?
Do you feel uncomfortable among people? It may just be shyness or may even be social anxiety disorder. Learn the causes, symptoms and treatment.
Learn about the factors that affect the range of power wheelchair. People often want to know how long can a wheelchair go.
A few easy to follow tips for losing weight in a healthy way. Maintaining ideal weight is very important for keeping yourself in shape.
Sitting in a wheelchair for long hours may be a need or a compulsion. Learn about the issues that may arise due to prolonged wheelchair use.
Getting credit or loan is one of the more difficult issue for persons with disabilities. Here are some of the tips for disabled people to get credit/loan.
A few tips on how persons with disabilities can lead a healthy life. Despite disability it is possible to live life to the fullest.
Meet Teresa Antony Alappatt – the lead Inclusive Designer at the Chetana Trust. Teresa designs accessible (including tactile) story books.
Nilesh Panchal is the founder of Navjeevan Charitable Trust, Ahmadabad. He and his organization works for the intellectually challenged children.
Soundarya Kumar Pradhan is a software engineer and a blind chess player who has won several national and international tournaments.
NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards have been awarded to Lalit Kumar ‘Samyak Lalit’, Vidhya Y, Soundarya Kumar Pradhan and others.
Learn about the meaning and definition of assistive technology and devices. We also give examples and categories of assistive devices.
Learn the difference between emotional quotient and intelligence quotient. We present the definitions and table of eq vs. iq differences.
Learn the meaning and definition of Emotional Intelligence (aka Emotional Quotient or EQ). We explain how EQ is measured and how to improve it.
List of a few high IQ children whose IQ score is over 200. These child prodigies achieved uncommon feats through their intelligence.
Get the list of people with highest IQ in the world and their IQ scores. These are considered to be the most intelligent persons on earth!
Learn the definition and meaning of IQ Test. We explain the score ranges of IQ Tests. History and usefulness of IQ Tests is also discussed.
A few of the new era non-traditional jobs that can help disabled people to earn their livelihood overcoming their disabling conditions.