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Disability Certificate: All You Need to Know

Unique Disability ID may replace disability certificate
Lalit Kumar | May 16, 2017 (Last update: July 14, 2022)

Lalit Kumar is a Polio Survivor and the founder of WeCapable. He loves finding useful things on Internet and knows how to put them together to create a bigger solution. He is passionate about technology, languages and literature. Besides WeCapable, Lalit has also founded TechWelkin, Kavita Kosh and Gadya Kosh websites.

A disability certificate (also known as PwD certificate or PH certificate or handicap certificate) is a document that certifies the type and extent of holder’s disability. In India, this certificate is usually issued by medical boards constituted in certain government hospitals. Disability certificate is an important document for persons with disabilities because it entitles the holder to get benefits / facilities and rights of persons with disabilities. Government of India and state governments provide a host of facilities to disabled people but all these facilities are available only to those who hold a valid disability certificate.

Contents of the Disability Certificate

A disability typically certificate mentions and certifies the following:

  1. Type of disability: Recently enacted Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 has increased the number of types of disabilities from 7 to 21. Now persons affected by any of the following conditions can apply for the disability certificate:
    1. Blindness
    2. Low-vision
    3. Leprosy-cured persons
    4. Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing)
    5. Locomotor Disability
    6. Dwarfism
    7. Intellectual Disability
    8. Mental Illness
    9. Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10. Cerebral Palsy
    11. Muscular Dystrophy
    12. Chronic Neurological conditions
    13. Specific Learning Disabilities
    14. Multiple Sclerosis
    15. Speech and Language disability
    16. Thalassemia
    17. Hemophilia
    18. Sickle Cell disease
    19. Multiple Disabilities including deaf-blindness
    20. Acid Attack victim
    21. Parkinson’s disease
  2. Extent of disability: Certificate mentions the extent of disability usually in percentage. This figure is very important because various benefits from government are associated with the degree of disability. People with lesser percentage of disability will get lesser benefits.
  3. Permanence of disability: It is also mentioned if the disability is permanent or temporary in nature.
  4. Validity period: Medical board mentions the period which the certificate is valid for. If disability is deemed to be temporary, the person will be examined again after this validity period and a new disability certificate will be issued, if required. If the disability is deemed to be permanent, a certificate with life-long validity may be issued.

Unique Disability ID may replace disability certificate

Criteria for Getting Disability Certificate

Any person suffering with disabilities listed above is eligible to apply for a disability certificate. However, when the medical board does disability evaluation — the certificate is issued only to those who fulfill any of the following criteria:

  • Person must have minimum 35% mental handicap or disability
  • Person must have an orthopedic disability of minimum 40%
  • In case of deaf people the disability percentage must be between 90 db & 100 db
  • Visual impairment has to be more than 90%

MUST KNOW: Disability Certificates will soon be replaced by Unique Disability ID Cards in India.

unique disability id (udid) card of a person.

Source: Times of India

Benefits of the Disability Certificate

With disability certificate, the government has attached a number of benefits and facilities. These benefits vary from state to state and also according to the type and extent of disability. Following are some of the general facilities that a disability certificate holder can avail. If you want to get any of these benefits, we advise you to get more specific information:

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"Disability Certificate: All You Need to Know." Web. March 25, 2025. <>, "Disability Certificate: All You Need to Know." Accessed March 25, 2025.

"Disability Certificate: All You Need to Know." (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from


92 responses to “Disability Certificate: All You Need to Know”

  1. shailendra says:

    sir, i have applied for udid card back in dec 2016. but still i have not got it. on seeing the status of the card it showing given details of the card to printing agency. can you tell how to get the card. should i need to go in person to the office.

    • SUDHIR KUMAR ROY says:

      Delhi govt has distributed the area as per zonal wise.
      you first get your Identity card which is must for avail disability certificate.
      check in which zone your area mentioned in your identity card . Then contact in that Hospital at Particular window made for disability certificate.
      for post treatment you can showoff your previous docus to that nominated hospital sir.

  2. BRIJESH KAKRA says:


    My Son age 22 Yrs has been diagnosed moderate SLD (Specific Learning Disability) by IBHAS in 2017. They issued a disability certificate but that was only for academic purpose. In Jan 2018, I approached IBHAS to issue a certificate which is applicable for all purposes but they refused citing that they have not been authorized by Delhi Govt to issue such certificate as per disability act, 2016. They advised me to contact Safdarjung Hospital in this regard but Safdarjung Hospital also did’t entertain me and said for SLD certificate you should approach IBHAS.

    Since, Jan 2018 I am running from pillar to post and have written many email to different departments of Delhi Govts but all in vain.

    Please guide me where should I approach to obtain the certificate for my son. I reside in South West Delhi.


    • Minks says:

      Go to the website of RML or Sufdarjang Hospital, Procedure is written and get a new assessment done by one of these hospital. IBHAS presently cannot issue certificate for SLD and Autism as per the ACT 2016.

      • Manish Drona says:

        Sir, my elder brother aged 55 years suffering with schizophrenia disease from more than 20 years.

        Can we apply and get the mentally misabled medical certificate or medical board/institution will deny our case?

  3. Ponraj says:

    Hello Sir,
    I Live in Bangalore, I have updated this UDID site with all my details. when could I get my certificate, will I be called for any medical checkup ?

  4. aarti malhotra says:

    you can try super speciality hospital janakpuri i saw many people disablity cards issues by this hospital

  5. Girish.P.R says:

    Dear Lalit ,
    Well written explanation Disability Certificate .
    I am an handicapped with Loco motor Disability , my lower limb amputated after a bout of Cellulitis .
    Looking forwrd to your assistance.
    Warm regards

  6. P.Sanjay Kumar says:

    I had applied for UDID card but still now i have not received the card my enrolment 3605/00000/1701/0063945
    kindly do the nedfull and oblige

  7. monika says:

    sir mujhe handiap ka certificate banwana hai


    Sir, height of my friend’s son in 5 feet 4 inches, is he elligible for handicaped reservation under dwarf category .

  9. Rohit Rawat says:

    Sir can u give me Detail for scribe for Banking and ssc exams
    i m affected by cerebral palsy 80%
    and can u suggest me other benifits

    • RENU says:

      My daughter has cleft lip and pallet the treatment
      is continuing she has now17 years is she is eligible for disability certificate

  10. Ajinkya Thombare says:

    Hello, I have became blind by one eye after I was given wrong treatment in a hospital. I have completed my diploma in Electrical trade. I am into manufacturing industries where both eyes are required (i.e 100% vision in mandatory). Hence after I lost one of my eye it has become difficult to get anywhere. somehow after I got the job I was offered a salary just of 12000/-
    It is very hard to take care of the family needs with such low earning.
    Can anyone tell me how to get the Disability certificate.
    Place: Pune, Maharashtra

  11. Sonam Tyagi says:

    My brother is having speech and hearing disorder. He has a disability certificate (90% disbaled). he is 22 years. Completed Senior secondary from NIOS. Could you please help me guiding how to apply for a job under “Reservation in government jobs”. What kind of jobs he could get?

  12. Pradeep Subramanian says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your efforts in helping disabled people like me.

    Though I got my UDID Card / Certificate issued and downloaded from, I have not yet received the original Card from the concerned Department by post. Can you please clarify whether the UDID documents downloaded, as mentioned by me, and printed in colour are treated as original documents?
    Thank you very much for your clarification, in advance.

  13. BALAKRISHNA says:


  14. Amalendu Surul says:

    My son has walking problem and get a medical certificate from Govt of WB with 60% disabilities.But how can i get udid card?

  15. N Hemalatha says:

    Dear Lalith Ji,
    I lost my righ hand four fingers in an accident and then amputated.So, I got a PH certificate in 1992.Then that was manual.I have 50%.Nowa days it is not acceptable.For instance in APSRTC..Bus depo…How can I get computaraised PH certificate with same percentage. Could you help me in this regard.I am from,YSR Kadapa district,AP.

  16. Vikas Patel says:

    Dear Sir,
    please send me PDF format of Arogya & Parivar Kalyan department circular copy as per 01/01/2016.

  17. Sanjeev says:

    I have lost my one eye due to diabities . other is also operated in aiims Delhi. I have no source of income.can I elgiable for handicapped certificate. IG yes then what is the procedure for this certificate.

  18. Amit Singh says:

    I met through an accident where i lost vision of one eye from dec-17, can i claim for disability. After number of surgeries there is no vision.

  19. Sonu says:

    Sir I have met with an accident and and my leg bone was cracked and recovered but still the mark and pain is there
    Can I get pH certificate?????????
    Plz answer

  20. sadanand says:

    sir my both eardrums are damage. left ear listing power is less right is ok i just done with eardrum surgery can i am liable for PH certificate.

  21. sandeep says:

    sir , i have a rheumatoid arthitis (according to concerned with aiims doctor) in delhi .many problems facing in travelling & walking . So , can i get ph certificate for this disease . please tell me about this

  22. nagesh says:

    Hi Lalit,
    I am suffering from OCD (Mental illness). If I get temporary disability certificate, will I be eligible for reservation in govt jobs?

  23. ZAKI says:

    Hello, my daughter has Scoliosis 45% and she uses braces. can she have disability certificate?

    • Mamta says:

      Sir aapko pta chale to mijhe bhi batana bcz mujhe bhi scoliosis h and i also don’t know that whether it is included in 21 pwd categories or not

  24. Satya Prakash says:

    My right eye had been operated for correcting retina fall.Since the operation i have been suffering from low vision in the right eye.My left eye is normal 6/6. Am i eligible for disability certificate?


    Sir. i am having 30% disability in low vision. can i modify that certificate as the certificate given to me is temporary.

  26. HEMANTA PAL says:

    I am from West Bengal, I apply for the disability certificate in our district government hospital. I fulfill all the criteria of a LOW BLIND person. but he did not give the certificate, what should I do now

  27. ABINASH MISHRA says:

    Sir i have obtained disability certificate in 45% locomotor disability category. But when i fill the online forms for govt jobs, it ask for one arm\leg, both arms\legs etc which is not mentioned in my certificate. what should i do now?

  28. sandeep sharma says:

    sir i am deaf from left ear with 110 db and from right with 40db can i get disability certificate u nder hearing impariment

  29. ambika says:

    My child is border line dyslexic,from where do we get the disability certificate,we reside in Delhi.

  30. Deepak Laxmilal Jain says:

    Sir i am physical handicap. I am self employed but i need funds to grow my business. Sir from here can i get loan for my startup.
    Please help.

  31. priyanka says:

    my height is 146 cm. am i eligible for reservasion under dwarfism? please reply sir

  32. Adib maksood golandaz says:

    When i was born my left side of ear is didn’t grow and from that side i didn’t listen a single noise.

  33. Kulwinder Singh Dhillon says:

    I am a disabled person and i have a swift car its modified car i have all document is RC, Driving Licence, Disabled Certificate. But i want get free fast tagg for disabled person where i apply or can i apply online ? please reply me
    thanks and regards

  34. S Manjunath says:

    Sir I am Manjunath from Bangalore I have applied udid card Sep 2020 Within 7 days of Medical check up I got E-UDID I downloaded got print will that be sufficient or should i wait for Normal card instead of e udid card in Bangalore govt officials they dint have any idea of udid card iam applying for pension waiting

  35. Sarath says:

    Sir, I am having haemophilia with clotting percent less than 1%. How can I get UDID card with 40%. I am from ANDHRA PRADESH, I have applied for UDID card but there was no response, I only received a receipt.
    Sir will I get UDID card?

  36. kauu says:

    what mental ilnesses are considered for disability certificate?

  37. swarna thomas says:

    Dear sir,

    I have applied for UDID card but there was no response.
    My id 2721/00000/2009/1416102
    please guide us.

  38. ஆனந்தன் says:

    I have distal spinal muscular atrophy with hand muscle wasting. Am I eligible for disability certificate?

  39. Raj says:

    Hi Sir,
    In an accident, I lost two toes of my right leg. Can I apply for Disability certificate? Am from Bangalore. If yes how to apply?

  40. Ishaan says:

    I have been assessed with 35% mental illness disability by NIMHANS, Bangalore. Am I eligible for UDID card or should it be minimum 40% in order to avail the card?

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      You can apply for UDID card. But you will not be able to take any disability benefits with UDID or disability certificate unless you’re assessed to be having 40% mental illness.

      • Ishaan says:

        Can the disability board increase it to 40% from 35% when it receives my application? Are there any chances to get the benefits?

  41. Chethan L says:

    Sir I have 0/6 in one eye and 6/6 in the other eye. Can I get UDID card?

  42. Sanjay Patil says:


  43. Sunita says:

    I am suffering from mixed bilateral hearing loss (conductive hearing loss – 60% in both ear, Sensorineural hearing loss – 50 db). But doctors of IGIMS Patna are not issuing permanent disability certificate. What should I have to do now? Day by day my problem is deteriorating. I am also suffering from Tinnitus.

  44. Rajesh Chopra says:

    Can I use my disability certificate for railway ticket?

  45. Sai Krishna Durbhakula says:

    I have polio since childhood. Recently I met with an accident and lost vision in right eye. When I went to get through SADAREM they said they can’t issue disability certificate for vision as one certificate already given for polio in the limb. Can any one help me in getting the Government Order or rule which states the Sadarem can’t give second medical disability certificate for a single person?

  46. Sai Krishna Durbhakula says:

    I already have medical Board ie; SADAREM certificate for my polio limb

  47. Vishal Jadhav says:

    hi sir mera naam Vishal Jadhav hai aur muze Chronic Neurological Conditions problem hai lekin muze handicap certificate nhi mil raha…Civil Dr bolte hai ki Chronic Neurological Conditions iske liye handicap certificate nhi mil sakta…agr mila to 20% ke upar nhi milega…aap muze help kar sakte ho kya….kya muze 40% ke upar Handicap Certificate milega kya…plz help me..i am In Sangli Maharashtra…

  48. Tooba says:

    Sir my height is 150 cm, am i eligible for a disability certificate?

  49. pradeep says:

    Hello sir, just wanted to know one information. What is the impact of claiming benefit undr PWD ( learning disabilities ) while getting admission in a professional college. when they study there are they categorized explcitly under this category ? when they pass out, is it mentioned anywhere in any of the certificates that they are udner this category ? Also is it with this tag that they will be considered in the job market also ? pelase clarify

  50. Smita says:

    Go to this site then register and fill the form…

  51. Bedbala mazumder says:

    I have full DNS , crooked nose and less hearing in left ear than right ear and facial bone displacement due to forcep delivery. Am I eligible for disability certificate?

  52. Parwinder says:

    Sir, I have 40% blindness disability in my UDID CERTIFICATE, I Have avail train concession Yes or No, How can I avail Rail Concessions.

  53. Parwinder Bhatt says:

    Sir, I have 40% blindness disability in my UDID CERTIFICATE, I Have avail train concession Yes or No, How can I avail Rail Concessions.

  54. Abdulsaleem. achipra says:

    I lives in Abudhabi, home country in Kerala , palakkad district mannarkkad, I met one accident while working time, i loss my right leg below knee (Amputated fully 2012 October 15th), still iam using a prosthetic limb, in Abudhabi i have disabily cared 60 % , so how i apply disiablity card in kerala, i have all cirtificates and hospital reports with me, finally treatment done in Amritha institute Eranakulam, First amputated in Abudhabi muffrek hospital.

  55. Abhishek says:

    Sir I have got 50% temporary locomotor disability certificate. Will I get reservation in government job?

  56. Rahul says:

    Sir I can’t hear anything with my left ear (100%) but my right ear is fine. Can I get a physically handicapped certificate?

  57. APani says:

    Sir I have 40% Permanent visual disability as per the PWD Act 1995. But with changed visual disability criteria in RPWD Act 2016, my disability reduces to 30%. Can I still get the various exam relaxations based on older certificate?

  58. Ganeshkumar says:

    Hello Sir
    My wife is suffered from Myasthenia. Could she be eligible for physical handicap quota? Is Myasthenia included in the physically handicapped category anywhere?
    Please Sir reply. Thank you.

  59. sriram v says:

    My daughter is in Grade XI and is currently being assessed for ASD at BYL Nair hospital.
    If she is certified to be more than 40% disability under ASD by the hospital, what are the next steps I have to take to avail of
    1. Availing academic concessions for Class XII (CBSE) Board exams
    2. Avail of PwD reservation in Government Colleges under PwD quota?
    Is BYL Nair Hospital the competent authority to issue the necessary disability certificate in Mumbai? Would this be valid for availing academic concessions and PwD quota reservations in Govt. Colleges?

  60. shailesh kumar says:

    (i) PIVD lumbar
    (ii) PIVD Cervical spondolysis :

    MRI Whole Spine dated 14 Jun 21: Multilevel degenerative changes of the cervical (C3-4 through C6-7), Lumbar (L1-2, L4-S1 & L5-S1), and Dorsal (Marginal osteophytes are noted at multiple levels. Schmorl’s nodes are seen inferior endplates of D7 to D10
    iii) Primary Hypertension
    Onset: Feb 2015
    (iv) Cough Variant Asthama
    Onset- Oct 2011
    Watering from Rt Eye: onset- 2014
    (b) Migraine: Onset: Mar 2016
    Frontal + Maxillary Sinusitis: Onset: Dec 2018
    Pain in Knee and other joints: Onset- Aug 2019
    Am I eligible for disability certificate?????


    My daughter’s Name is Nazish Ali. She is blind by birth. Her age about 18 years and she had passed 12th class examination. I had already got a disability certificate for her from Chief Medical Officer Baramulla. Now I am in need of fresh disability Certificate as the University of Kashmir does not entertain the old certificate for a helper in exams kindly guide me.

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      For helper/scribe in exams, you can get a certificate from CMO saying that your daughter’s disability entitles her for extra time / scribe.

  62. Salim says:

    Sir, some part of photo in my daughter’s permanent disability certificate is damaged during lamination of it any problem because now she is only 4 year old and face is changing in future.

  63. Sankaran Raman Nair says:

    My son (23 years) has Dyslexia (Slow Learning Disability). He managed to pass Senior Secondary from NIOS in 2019 with our help.. We got a Temporary Disability certificate (40%) from Medical Board in 2017. Can we get a Permanent Disability Certificate? Can be avail any business Loan. If so, what are the procedures? Please advise.

    Sankar, Bangalore

  64. Yogesh says:

    In most of the major countries, Diabetes has been added in Disability Criteria, as it is permanent disability. What about India? Can any diabetic person get disability certificate or card in India? If yes, how to do it? What will be required documents?

  65. abhijeet says:

    Sir I have 40% permanent visual disability certificate (I got government job on that basis). But now the new certificate is showing 30% disability as per the new test. Will it affect my government job?

  66. sunitha says:

    My nephew is 21 yr old and has been suffering from seizures since birth and on prescription drugs since he was born and has low vision as his optic nerve has been affected. Can he get a disability certificate. he stays with his mother in hyderabad, Telangana. What websites and offices I can visit to help with this situation.

  67. Digambar Basutkar says:


    My son Shubham Is 15 years old and has been suffering “Childhood onset Schizophrenia ” since last 1 years, now he preparing for 10th Board exam. can he get benefits for his examination i.e. additional extra time
    I have Opinion Certificate from AMO

  68. S. khawte says:

    Person is holding Mental Retardation (now classified as intellectually disability) permanent disability certificate granted to her in the year 2010 when she was 17 yr old. Now she is above 18 yrs i.e. 30 yrs old. Does she need to under go medical examination again for obtaining UDID card (note: the notification for UDID card issued in 2018 when she was 25 yrs old)

    • Lalit Kumar Lalit Kumar says:

      Getting UDID Card is not mandatory, as of now. So, you may not seek the UDID Card. But, in all probability, she will not be reassessed again whenever you decide to apply for UDID. This is because her disability was deemed to be permanent in 2010.

  69. Deepak Rajput says:

    Dear Lalit Sir.

    I have temporary disability 40 percentage certificate in OH category. Can I get government job in PH category? I have disability since 1995 and five times renewal my disability certificate, every five years.

    Thanks and regards.

  70. Sumit Kumar Chaurasia says:

    Sir I am an epileptic person. I have been suffering from epilepsy for 10 years. I am 27 years of age, most of the time I stay at home. Nobody gives me a job, I am not able to earn money. Life has become hard, my parents are getting old, I don’t know how I am going to take care of them, all I see is darkness. Sometimes I cry and try to forget about my condition. Guide me sir please.

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